The story is told of Teddy Roosevelt when he was a cattle rancher of him and one of his cowboys riding across a section of his ranch. They came across an unbranded calf from a neighboring ranch that had wandered on to Roosevelt’s land. Mr. Roosevelt said to the cowboy, “Brand him with the neighbors brand.” The cowboy responded “All right boss, I know my business.” Mr. Roosevelt responded, “Hold on a minute, you’re putting on my brand?” The cowboy said, “I always put on the boss’s brand.” With that Mr. Roosevelt told the cowboy. “Oh, go back and get your time.” The cowboy asked, “What’s that for?” Mr. Roosevelt said, “My friend, if you will steal for me, you will steal from me.”
The lesson learned is one who steals for you is a thief. He will steal from you if the opportunity arises. The same principle holds true for people who lie. Somebody who lies for you will also lie to you. Once a person gets a reputation as a liar, that is hard to shake and few people accept them as trustworthy.
Speaking the truth is not always easy, however, it is very important if one wants to be pleasing to God. Out of the seven things God hates, lying is referenced twice (see Proverbs 6:16-19). Not only should we be honest in our every day speech, but it is of the utmost importance that we teach truth.
If we wonder from the truth, then what are our guidelines? What determines right and wrong, true or false?
Mark Twain once said, “If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.” That is so true, the truth stands on its own. James describes the tongue like this: 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. (James 3:6)
The tongue can get us in trouble quicker than anything. Too often, we speak before we think. We cannot take words back, we may say we didn’t mean them, but once they are out there, we cannot erase them. Have you ever tried putting toothpaste back into the tube? It is impossible just as taking back words.
We may never master the art of controlling the tongue, James says again, no man can tame the tongue, however, we can choose to always be honest and always speak the truth in love so we lift up Jesus to all that we see. That give us a whole lot less remember!
Read Matthew 12:33-37