There is nothing tackier than using a social media
Recent episodes of violence against minority people in B’baria tell it all how it doesn’t take much effort to create a convincing hoax. With the right phrasing and some digital wizardry, one can convince thousands of people to be violent. Many of us can remember some earlier Facebook hoaxes and false mobile messages that also claimed lives and properties of innocent people. True, it’s hard to tell a hoax is a hoax, but if we really hear something shocking, we should run a quick check before we believe it. Government should take note of this and train community leaders about this menace. It would help save lives and properties, and leave the pranksters inept in fooling people for petty political gains.
I don’t know what about the case of the B’baria Facebook account used to tarnish the country’s image, but in most of the cases, these hoaxes come through hacked accounts. So, we must have some sorts of public education on internet usage. We should be careful of our passwords, settings and some more things, like, remained logged-in into our account while we’re not using it, using a free or public WiFi etc. to name a few. We should be aware that these are the things data-hungry hackers love and mainly use to serve their clients. We should also be careful about clicking links and updates from little-known people guised as ‘friends’. These are actually malware disguised as updates, and upon clicking, the victim’s keystrokes are recorded and stolen to obtain personal information. Once a malware is installed in a computer, hackers gain full control of that computer without the victim's knowledge.
There is nothing tackier than using a social media. So, we should be very careful.