Nothing More is Needed: play
Today's installment of Nothing More is Needed continues the first section on Fundamentals with some notes on the importance of play. I've posted this one before, with a wonderful photo of my neighbour cat, Jasper, playing like a kitten with a multicoloured ball of yarn.
Play is so important to our health and well-being, yet it's so overlooked — or dismissed entirely — in the typical approach to business, and to life in general, that I think this one bears repeating.
Play is as essential to life
As work.
In fact, play may be fundamentally
What life is all about, what life is up to.
Why else all the exuberant variety,
All the splendid silliness?
Work that is playful is blessed.
Play that is productive is blessed.
But play that is purposeless
Is divine.
Its purpose is in its purposelessness,
Its pointlessness, its end unto itself.
Its purpose is in its lightness, its freedom,
For therein is its life.
Do wild animals play?
Need you even ask?
Consider the otter,
Idling down the stream on his back,
His furry little tummy soaking up the sun.
Consider the hawk,
Wings outstretched, paragliding
Lazily on a thermal updraft and gazing for miles.
Consider the fox cubs
Playing dungeons and dragons
While their mother looks on, kind, indulgent, smiling.
Need I go on?
Play often. And to the best of your ability,
Provide your animals with plenty of opportunities
For play. Silly, pointless, purposeless play.
For therein one savors the essence of life.
My dog and her friends taught me this, the
Essentiality of play, and how to throw oneself Wholeheartedly into play, as if
Our very lives depend upon it.
Oh, the sorrowful expression on her face
When I say I don’t have time for play today.
I think she feels very sorry for me at these times.
I think she may be right.
(Amazing how she knows best.)
? 2011, Christine M. King. All rights reserved.
Nothing More is Needed: on caring for our animals (and ourselves) is available in print at:
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