It is probable that your current life choices are not optimizing your true potential. Did you know that we only use about 30% of our capabilities? In fact, our brains are wired to avoid suffering, secure safety, and generally make the least resistant choices. As such, we self-build our own barriers and limitations, which are responsible for this limited use of our potential. This translates into limiting beliefs such as “I am not able to do this”, or “I can’t succeed at that”. We have to learn to replace these fabricated paradigms by another question: “what if I were truly able to do it”? Life will not be without its inherent difficulties, we won’t always be able to avoid challenges, or do exactly and only what we love to do. We all have our stories of challenges and traumas. So how do you deal with it? How do you put negativity and limiting beliefs where they belong (hint: outside your scope of reality) and explore your true potential? My personal action plan is to start by putting down on paper – in my journal preferably – what hurts me and what drives me down emotionally. It is important to be transparent and honest with oneself in this process. Feel the emotions that transpire from this review. Then decide, once and for all, that you have had enough with these adverse and counter-productive feelings and that you are ready to move forward, remembering that adversity is the engine of your progress. Don’t try to avoid adversity, rather confront it. Remember that the greater the challenge, the greater the victory! Write down your insecurities, then decide on individual actions or objectives to eradicate each one of them. In reality, this is about getting out of your zone of comfort. Facing your fears, your limitations, and understanding that you are capable of overcoming them. The goal of this exercise is to transform your weaknesses into strengths, by doing something you fear every day, no matter how small the task. The more you move out of your comfort zone, the more you engage into a productive dialogue with yourself and push your boundaries. You take back control of your mind and change your paradigms, one at a time. Aim for excellence in whatever you endeavour into. Of course, this will mean having to work more, sweat more, fear more. But in this end, you are building resilience and courage, two indispensable traits for progress and success. Failure should not discourage you, for it is only an opportunity for growth. Your mind is your best weapon; if you do not believe in your success, your chances are annihilated. Don’t fear anything or anybody, give it everything you have within you.
With gratitude, Bertrand