Nothing can happen until the investors and lenders have all the documents....

The internet is the most efficient way to communicate to a vast audience but how do you serve up your subject matter to an audience who's receptive to what you're communicating?   How do you target all the qualified buyers but only the qualified buyers?  I had the opportunity to be on the principal side where I was one of a number of acquisition officers so I had lived in their shoes for nearly 20 years.  That experience gave me a unique perspective and knowledge of how your typical acquisition officer thinks and what motivates them to take an action step.    When you're marketing a specific commercial or investment property for sale it's obviously in your best interest if you can motivate as many qualified buyers as possible to select your property as one that they'd like to try and buy versus all their other options.    That's why it's so important to only send buyers an email for those properties that specifically align with their acquisition parameters.    You want each buyer to know that you respect them, their inbox, and their acquisition parameters.  Many years ago I had the opportunity to sit in on a class at NYU.  One of my friends was the professor for the real estate finance course and he'd invited me to sit in.   He asked the class what the number one negative to real estate investing was and everyone just gave him that blank stare.    His answer was, lack of liquidity.    My goal with was to shave time off the time that it took to get liquidity out of commercial real estate by making a smoother pathway to get the deal out to all of the qualified buyers and by getting them all of the information (all of the financials, and due diligence documents) they would need to make a decision about how much they'd be willing to pay.    RCM's secure virtual data room was engineered with the large commercial real estate transaction in mind.   We've been honored to be entrusted with the biggest real estate transactions in history like the sale of The Sears (Willis) Tower,  The John Hancock Bldg., and The General Motors Building serving the worlds most successful real estate investment banking and commercial brokerage firms.   As you might imagine that's a whole lot of documents and they were all there, nicely organized and readily accessible to the multitude of buyers and their teams who the brokers we were serving had granted access.  Think about how great you would feel if you had both the institutional quality executive summary with the photo gallery, location map and aerial that tied directly to your virtual data room holding all of the relative documents for every deal you do going forward.   It's common sense.

I hope that you'll have your team call us and schedule a demonstration for themselves.

Thanks so much,

Steve Alter


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