Nothing Bad Comes From Caring
Regardless of what you celebrated, if anything, this past week, and weekend was one of my personal favorites that I got to celebrate with my family… truly one that was reflective of hope and finding joy in our current situation. All because a group of people taking time to care.
Part of the reason for that was because of our Studios & digital team for helping make a VERY memorable Easter weekend for my family, and so many others! 45 unique digital eggs were designed by our Studios team (and some of their kids) then scheduled in markets across the country, creating what possibly could have been the nation's largest Easter Egg Hunt! (seriously… that has to be World Record).
The thing I loved the most was their response to such a big ask. People like Lynette Wilson in Ohio, who said, "Do the best you can with this. Do it for all the families and mostly the kids." Everyone doing what they can, encouraging each other, and being uplifting… truly championing the spirit of the Passover & Easter weekend.
This past week was full of so many companies across the country, stepping up and still posting messages, letting communities know they're there, despite the circumstances.
Which begs the question… why do they continue to try?
Maybe it's as simple as seeing a fun copy idea in Chicago, that takes a disappointment, like the canceling of the MLB season, and turning it into a campaign that makes you chuckle. Then spreading that infectious attitude of joy & hope to other markets… like Atlanta below.
… and then spreading it to Orlando, and turn into a contract… where a completely different league/sports team decides to rally behind their city, like the MLS team, Orlando City.
Just that sharing of ideas, that collaboration… talking to each other, support and encouragement to just reach out and let our clients know we're here to rally behind them when things are tough. To show them how to rally behind their city they call home and be that voice, person, company… or just symbol of "getting through this together".
Last week, this weekend (in more ways than one), and the weeks to come are 100% about that, who we are as people and a company!
Standing strong in the face of that heavy voice echoing in the back of your head saying "Why try?". Getting out from under that pity party, stopping the waiting game for good news… and making some freakin' good news!
Not listening to the depressing "media", and instead, following what you know is true… that there are so many people out there that need encouragement. That simple "How are you doing?" even when you think you already know the answer, that leads to a surprising smile. That leads to the bigger picture, and a light at the end of the tunnel… all because you cared enough to ask. The spirit of compassion.
It's that one question that leads to a deeper conversation you only have with people you trust. It's that one question that leads to the courage we all need to pick ourselves up and face another day with an optimistic attitude. Without caring, nothing changes…
So thank you again to our incredible industry across the country. For pushing past that feeling of "why try" and focusing on what really matters… each other.
Like my favorite quote of all time says,
"Unless someone like you cares an awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not."
Nothing bad comes from caring. By putting your focus outward, and not on yourself, you find peace… you find hope. It's that simple.
When we care, we win… no matter what.