Notes to Self: Winning Over the Monkey Mind
Who rules who? Do you control your monkey mind, or does it control you? Every decision, whether to sit on the couch and watch Netflix or to get out and go for a run, is a battle of self-worth and resilience. Each time you choose the easy route, giving in to the monkey mind, you lose a bit of self-respect. You feel mastered rather than mastering your own mind.
Winning these small battles is crucial. Consciously note your victories because they build the foundation of your self-mastery. Catch that monkey mind and laugh at it. Tell it you appreciate it trying to keep you safe and rested, but you have bigger plans for today. These wins remind you that you are the master of your destiny, not a victim of your impulses.
A great way to get in touch with this monkey mind is through 10 minutes of daily meditation. Just sit and focus on your breath. When your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath. If you spend the entire 10 minutes lost in thought, so be it. Doing this day in and day out helps you start to see the patterns and stories of your monkey mind. There is no being bad at this; there is only being. Stay with it and you will uncover the monkey mind's tricks. You will uncover the stories it is telling you, the ones you can intervene on and change.
Focus on winning these daily battles and watch how your self-worth and resilience grow. This practice is not just about discipline; it's about taking control and proving to yourself that you can and will achieve your goals.