Notes from a team building activity

Notes from a team building activity

Participating in a team building activity, which I have not had in years, and I learnt a lot.

The following are some of these points

  • Joining in with personal qualities:

When working in a team, you not only need to be active, but also show your personal qualities bravely. This will make team mates know you better, and understand how to use you or cooperate with you. (Team formation)

  • Strategy:

When approaching multiple tasks, strategy is important. This is important in resource allocation as well as forming tactics to win. But strategy cannot be acquired by discussion, which often takes time, it will be made clearer in doing. Or should we call it street-smart? (Multiple challenges with different scoring rules)

  • Resourcefulness:

It is not enough to rely on your (or your team's knowlodege), but to utilize resources of others (and even competing teams). That said, utilization is not just in sheer copying (although we do), but also in teaming up with your competitors and in working with your enemies. (Game with no clear rules in which nobody wins)

  • Objective without goal:

You have to be clear-minded and review your objectives all the time. It is not only to participate in, not only to work in teams, but what you would like to achieve (on a team level and on a personal level). Even if you have achieved something, you have to ask if it is really the goal. There is always a goal after "the" goal, and there is no stopping. (Multiple challenges with different scoring rules)

Game rules always change, and so does the world. We might not all be leaders, but we all want to be winners.

That is what I should keep in mind after the activity.



