Notes from the AI Underground, Prompt #7: Ghost Notes
So much happening these days. I don't like to rush through these missives, they are extremely cathartic and helpful for me. The conversations and people it's opened me up to are amazing. Weeks where I'm too busy to do a traditional post, I'll try and drop a little something - a poem, a video, a song, a list, or just a random noise. It's all part of the process.
On that note, I want to celebrate one of my favorite and most used items across all my devices: The Notes App. It's an integral part of my creative process for life. This is where I start almost anything I do, and where I store and resurrect some of my best and worst ideas, thought fragments, poetry, essays, shopping lists, bookmarks, random things I overhear, etc.
Here is a Top 20 List of things I found today scrolling through the 1,858 entries in said Notes App:
That was fun. I ended up starting from the beginning and making my way up to 2015. Maybe I'll do more of that sometime.