NoTech Friday #2: Mental Maintainance
Are you an Engineer? I am not asking whether you're a software Engineer or a Mechanical Engineer. As part of your job, you must be performing some sort of maintenance.
Whether it is machinery maintenance on the days when the factory is closed or software maintenance.
In the IT industry, software maintenance is standard practice. My team has maintenance Mondays, where we do all the software maintenance on Mondays.
Now, even if you're not an engineer, you must be doing some maintenance, such as Car or bike maintenance, Kitchen appliance maintenance, etc.
In all these busy lives, we often forget one type of maintenance - Mental Maintainance.
Mental Maintainance, What does that mean?
Mental Maintainance is not a rare thing you perform on a particular day but a set of practices as part of your everyday routine.
Here are some examples I learned from reading over the internet.
Write Journal ??
Try to write what happened throughout the day via the journal. It helps to recap your day, revisit achievements, mistakes, etc. and further improvise.
No yoga or exercise, at least stretching??
We often read that physical health is directly proportional to Mental health. Hence it is very important to take care of our health. Some people find it challenging to find time for yoga/gym/exercise, the least we can do is stretch. Simply stretching after waking up or in between work helps.
No meeting period in a day ?
Keep some time aside throughout the day when there will be no meeting. Utilise this time to focus, meditate or just take a walk and do some stretching.
Be nice to yourself??
We often behave very rudely to ourselves. We don't forgive ourselves for our mistakes. But, We are human, and it happens. So forgive yourself quickly and move on. You will feel nice. If You are nice to yourself. Then you will be nice to others.
Avoid phone for the first and last hour of the day ??
Nowadays, we have a habit of checking phones/emails as soon as we wake up and probably checking social media such as Instagram/Twitter before sleeping.
But I think avoiding phones during those hours helps us to relax, plan appropriately in the morning, and sleep easily at night.
Connect with nature ??
Go for a walk in the park, and observe the trees and greenery; it feels pretty friendly and relaxed.
Breath ?? ??
In today's buzzy life, we often forget to breathe; yes, you read it right. So take a break often and take a nice deep breath. I am not a yoga instructor, but you will good resources on the internet or consult with your doctor/trainers.
I hope this information helps ??
Note: I wrote this post as I recently learnt about it and thought I should share it with a broader audience for more awareness. If in doubt, always consult with your doctor and therapist.
Happy Friday ??