Note-Taking Apps
Craig Bailey
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Interesting perspective?from Casey Newton on Platformer regarding his lack of success with note taking apps and approaches. Here’s the quote that most are using:
Initially, I threw myself into this kind of associative note-taking. I gathered links around concepts I wanted to explore (“the internet enables information to travel too quickly,” for example, or social networks and polarization). When I had an interesting conversation with a person, I would add notes to a personal page I had created for them. A few times a week, I would revisit those notes.
I waited for the insights to come.
And waited. And waited.
This is really interesting to me, as I’ve just started my ‘journey’ on note-taking and have embraced Tiago Forte’s PARA method from his?Building a Second Brain?book.
I’m using Apple Notes (I’m keeping it simple) and have found it really useful for capturing, reviewing and reflecting.
By way of example, all the posts over the last few weeks on my blog have come from quick notes I captured, and then reviewed later. Sometimes all I capture is a quick thought – perhaps no more than a few words – to job my memory later.
I’m finding it useful.
As with all things in life, your mileage may vary.
But for Casey, I suspect – looking at his output – he is so far ahead of most people in terms of thinking, insights, ideation, content creation, etc as part of his natural process, that any note-taking approaches will hardly move the needle.