Note To Self:
Patrick Murphy
Real Estate Investment Specialist / Business Leader / Project Management
Note to Self: Belief Time and Practice: Belief and no talent are better than talent and no belief. You can have all the talent God gave anyone. And if you don't believe in yourself. It won't matter. If you believe that you could but just don't know how yet. That belief can lead to you becoming "Talented". See, talent is actually just a well-developed skill in action. Stevie Ray Vaughan didn't pick up his guitar and play Texas Flood on the first day. Pablo Picasso didn't paint The Old Guitarist the first time he picked up his brush. Hemingway wrote thousands of words before he published The Torrents of Spring. Believing that you could be is the first step to becoming what you want to be. What you are today doesn't determine the person you could be tomorrow. It's what you do today that makes the You of tomorrow. Life is a mirror. That mirror is a glass and what you put into that glass reflects back and becomes your life. So today try not to worry about whether or not you have the talent to do it. Work on believing that you can. Then practice practice practice. Time and Practice are what make well-developed skills. And well-developed skills are what the world calls talent. And once you have the belief and the talent. You have everything you need to do anything you want. #changeyourmindset #changeyourlife #changetheworld #bethechange