Note To Self: Day 1
Patrick Murphy
Real Estate Investment Specialist / Business Leader / Project Management
Note to Self: Don't get comfortable: Comfort is the killer. Comfort is the killer of progress. If you get comfortable you won't move to the next level and if you don't move to the next level you won't have the things you want. So don't get comfortable. The question isn't "what does it take to get there". The question is " how far can I go". The process is the journey and the journey is the process. Good isn't good enough if it can be better; better isn't good enough if it is not your best. Find the edge of your comfort zone and then step beyond it. Every step you take beyond the edge makes your comfort zone bigger. The bigger your comfort zone gets, the higher you can go. This is how you level up. SO DO NOT GET COMFORTABLE because you don't belong here..... #nextlevel #changeyourmindset #changeyourlife