Note To Self (Lessons from a mistake)
Dear Self,
In case you forgot or no one reminded you, no one is perfect. There are going to be those moments and decisions that you would really like to have back. Those seconds or inches where you fell short were due to any number of reasons or excuses. The moment you find yourself in does not have to be permanent. In fact, it should only be a glimpse in time to how decisions and choices came together to provide you with a small space to stand. To reflect on, learn from, and move on from the miscue. Failure is only a life style if you either quit or refuse to learn from the mistake. You are not going to get it right all of the time and frankly, those you hold at a high level don't either. You see, you are human, beautifully broken and eligible for disappointment and heartache only because there are continued lessons to learn. You have picked yourself up before and this time should be no different. Yes, it is easier said than done, but this too shall pass. This feeling of utter disappointment, dis-gust, and dis-heartening emotion can and should be replaced with a spirit of getting better thru continue pursuits of action. You see, when you stand still, you do one of two things. You become accustomed to staying in a rut or you reflect on what needs to be done to pass forward to the next level. Stop being so hard on yourself. It happened and you are still alive. Some people did not have that blessing today. You have a chance to get it right the next time. Yes, there will be a next time. There will be an opportunity to right any wrong you may have committed. Stuff happens because life is designed to teach you valuable lessons. Let it go!! Pick yourself up and let's get back into the trenches. I have confidence in you as you should in others. This moment will make you better because you made a choice that it would be so.
Stay encouraged in whatever you are growing thru! Make this a wonderful learning and extraordinary moment towards moving into your destiny.