Note On Self Defense
By developing the above qualities another result should be a good sense of self-confidence and self-assurance and an inner security. Such qualities should lead to freedom from conflict. But in order to feel inner security you need to have developed some resources and skills to be used just in case of some unforeseen conflict or attack of your person. Here are some helpful suggestions. The goal is to as quickly as possible to render any opponent disabled and in a harmless condition, especially to quickly make he/her unconscious. When facing an opponent, his left side is to your right, so as quickly as you can with slightly bent fingers use the back of your palm to karate chop his caroted artery, which is just above the shoulder bone. Check with your fingers. This chop must have enough energy behind it to make him lose consciousness but if too strong can kill the person. Another strategy is to use the base of your palm to bring a blow up under the nose, pushing the bone there back into his face. Again, this will cause much pain and usually he will fora bit be discomburated, which allows you time to render other options. Again, toohard a strike can kill the person. Practice on a pillow for proper delivery.The body has over thirty pressure points, all of which with a successful strike can render the opponent helpless or unconscious. The back of palm strike to the throat is quite effective but too strong a strike can easily kill. The goal is to get him/her to cough and gag, allowing you time to take other options unless you are actually fighting for your life. A foot or knee slam to the genitals is always effective and here you can use strong force since such a strike won’t kill. Using only the front knuckles, as if you were knocking on a door, bring a downward strike to the very tip of the chin, or an open palm strike to the back of the head if the opportunity arises or a strong open palm punch to the forehead. If one grabs you by the throat to strangle you, there are several options. While the opponents hand and arms are engaged in your throat your hands and arms are free, one good strike is to use both your palms to strike hard both ears as quickly as possible, as if clapping just as soon as you are grabbed. Another is to use the knee to the genitals. Or any of the above strikes are usually available, so you any or all of them. If someone grabs you from behind and pins your arms, there is a pressure point about four inches above the ankle, so kick there hard, but not too hard. The goal is to render him un-conscious but such a kick can also kill if too strong. Another skill if you are pinned is to stomp the bones of the instep of foot; such a bone is like an egg shell and very painful.
Think, you can use any part of your body as a weapon. The elbows can land a hard
blow, such as under the chin, or backwards to the ribs, rotating one elbow after the other
to his stomach or kidneys. You can use your head to butt the person anywhere it is useful.
If necessary, to use the above DO NOT HESITATE; STRIKE INSTANTLY BEFORE such
a strike can be anticipated by the opponent. Be fearless and totally aggressive. Usually the
attacker will not expect or anticipate such defenses from a woman. So, take advantage of
every opportunity, even the slightest one he/she gives you. You must remain clear headed
and observe your total surrounding at all times. I know it is easy to talk about these things,
but when one is faced with real danger, especially to your life, nature provides you with
an adrenalin energy to fight or flight and such a powerful energy can be used against your
opponent if you remain calm and do every strike quickly, deliberately aimed at the target of
your counter-attack. Once your opponent is harmless or unconscious, get as far away from
him/her as fast as you can. Put a lot of distance between you and the scene in case someone
has called the police. You don’t want to have the cops around or they might charge you with
attempted murder. Not a usual event since such attacks come in the dark or a deserted spot.
Just don’t be afraid to defend yourself, anyway you can. You might also get a sock
and put a rock in it and if out at night and are alone use it as a billy club., or dump a handful of pepper into a spray container, such as used for nose spray or aspirator and aim for the eyes. If possible try to buy from a gun store a fazer and hold it close in your hand when exposed. Be aware at all times when in any situation where there might be possible danger. Share these skills with your girl friends but do not let others know you know them. Keep such tenchinques to yourself. You never know who might turn on you. Good luck and be safe. Don C.