A Note to our Military Veterans

Being at peace is the ideal state. Today, we recognize you and those who stood at the ready alongside you to carry out legal military orders to preserve this ideal.

Some joined because it felt like the last resort. Others because It represented adventure, was a family tradition, or found it an honorable calling. Some for all of the above. Some for none of the above because they were drafted by the Selective Service System.

They made it to #BootCamp, through the commitment of service, and received their #DD214. They continue to contribute in many different ways to strengthen the fabric of our country.

The sense of betrayal to some that have been deported or lack adequate care and resources to reach their personal potential after service is not lost upon us.

This #VeteransDay, we remember you and your courage that helped overcome your fears, your selflessness and willingness to risk life and limb at moment's notice, and, above all, your oath to defend against all enemies, foreign or domestic.

Thank you.

Isidro Armenta


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