Wanjiru Kaburu
Author| Transformational Coach, Speaker & Trainer| Communication & Brand Strategy Consultant| Writer & Editor| Udemy Instructor
Have you ever thought of writing a letter to yourself?
I am so deliberate in my journey of self discovery and being an inspiration. Therefore, I keep sharpening my saw through books, reflection, serving, writing, engaging in discussions, challenging myself with certain roles and ventures, taking more responsibilities even when I know my plate is full and sometimes paying to be part of a mentorship program like Emerging Leaders Foundation (ELF). I am at a place where I have figured out my passion and purpose and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about how I can fully fulfill my purpose through completely making use of my passion. What you read on social media from me is part of it; that's the reason behind Infinite Space https://infinitespace.co.ke/; the reason I will be an author ( I am putting money together to publish my first book that I have been writing); the reason I take up responsibilities and give them my all; the reason I am so deeply into coaching and mentoring people to greatness; the reason I am into brand strategy and management;.......my purpose is my road map.
I had however never thought of writing a letter to self until last Saturday when I was in one of the ELF sessions and this was the topic; Letter to Self. I write a lot and in these posts and my book and also in front of a mirror, I express myself and talk to myself a lot but I had never really taken a paper and pen and addressed a letter to myself until then. Writing that letter felt so good and soon, I am going to read that letter to you but before then, how about you sit down with a pen and paper (or the digital form of it) and write yourself that note/ letter! What will you call yourself? What will you tell yourself? I promise you if this letter if done right, it will help you make sense of your experiences in life and if deliberate enough, you will make a serious resolve which will lead you to discovering quite a bit about yourself, igniting your drive and leading you to a path where you will find your purpose. Leading you there is part of my purpose!
What do you think is in my letter? As I look up in the sky, I smile with conviction that it's not just a letter.
Let me share some resource by Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama that can guide you in this exercise. I urge you not to ignore.