"Note from the Foundation Man's Book" will be giving tip's, hints and articles about preventing, stopping and reversing foundation damage.

"Note from the Foundation Man's Book" will be giving tip's, hints and articles about preventing, stopping and reversing foundation damage.

"Many foundation repair companies rely on salespeople who earn commissions based on what they sell. This can lead to unnecessary and overly expensive repairs.

Foundation Repair Pier Salesperson

In areas with expansive soils, a lot of foundation movement happens because buildings are usually constructed on dry, compacted soil. When rain comes after construction, the soil swells unevenly, causing the foundation to shift. This shifting often leads to cosmetic damage, of which piers typically don't provide a long-term fix. Instead, piers are often used to temporarily level the slab while usually costing considerably more than a permanent fix.

"In foundation construction and repair, different types of piers serve specific purposes. It's essential to select the right type and quantity of piers for effective, economical repairs. In my forty plus years in this business I've noticed considerable price differences for identical types of piers used in various projects.".

For instance, concrete pushed piers and helical piers can differ in price by hundreds of dollars per pier. It is not unusual for my customers to have gotten three or more bids ranging from several hundred dollars to $10,000 or more. It's essential for homeowners to understand these differences and ensure they're getting the right solution at a fair price."

Independent Foundation Repair Consultant

Where foundation repair companies, for the most part use commissioned salespeople to load up na?ve customers with more repairs than are required, my job is to help homeowners and property managers find the right permanent solution at a fair market price.

If you have foundation issues, please watch this short video made by a prominent Texas Engineer. /Rain caused foundation damage (youtube.com)

Now if you still have questions explore my website: Foundation Repair Consultant – I provide foundation repair solutions, not piers (repairfoundations.com)

If you still aren’t ready to contact me, consider ordering my new 211-page book “Foundation Repair…The Book.?? Click here: Foundation Repair…. The Book!: Consumers Guide to Dealing with Foundation Damage: Rash, Richard: 9798327235373: Amazon.com: Books


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