Note to Food Business News and Sosland Publishing:
As a subscriber to your online publication I am incensed and horrified at this article. Being a full month late in your publication, not checking facts and perpetuating false information is no way to run a business. Further, even cursory investigation would have allowed you to include information that this will more than likely wind up in court - and rightly so.
First of all, the company DID issue the voluntary recall - check your facts. This is now an expanded "recall" of kratom products from all companies in an attempt to ban the herb. FDA is more vindictive than effective.
Secondly - you should know that salmonella cannot simply taint a plant product - it must be introduced. Therefore, all products containing kratom in the United States cannot possibly all be contaminated because they do not all come from the same source. Sanitation is the issue, so everyone would have to be working across the nation with the same contaminated equipment. Even Food Business News should know better than that.
Third, FDA LIED about kratom being an opiate, but that didn't work because too many people look at the research these days - specifically because the agencies are no more than corporate whores - which is why the FDA also approved distribution of yet another new TRULY opiate-derived pain killer within 5 hours of its initial call for the voluntary recall.
Where the hell have you people been????
This was old news a month ago.
You also neglect to mention the official attorney letter and possible lawsuit over the blatant lies and deception being - once again - perpetrated by the FDA.
I also noticed this did NOT make FBN's facebook page... Why would that be? I wonder.....