- Never transport a filled CO2?cylinder in a passenger vehicle.
- Cylinders should never be transported in an??enclosed vehicle unless the driver is separated from the cargo by a gas tight barrier.
- Cylinders should be transported in a??continuously cool place. Do not transport cylinders adjacent to any source of heat,??intermittent or continuous. Safety relief devices of CO2?cylinders are designed to??operate when the pressure of the cylinder exceeds 2800 – 3000 psi (depending on the??design of the safety relief device). A properly charged CO2?cylinder could vent through its safety??relief device at approximately 150?oF (65.6?oC). A slightly overfilled CO2?cylinder could vent through its safety relief??device when exposed to a much lower temperature. The CGA recommends that CO2?cylinders be stored in areas with a temperature less than 125?oF (51.7?oC).
- Do not transport a leaking cylinder.
- Damaged cylinders should only be transported without fill and marked “DAMAGED”.
- Empty CO2?cylinders should be transported with their valves tightly closed.
- Cylinders, which have been manufactured??to accommodate a carrying handle or a protective cap, should be transported??with these accessories in place. Do not transport cylinders with broken carrying handles.
- Cylinders can be transported standing??on their base or lying on their side. We recommends that the cylinders??be transported as designed, standing on their flat base. cylinders are shipped never be stacked on top of each other.
- All cylinders, after being loaded for transit,??when in transit, and when waiting for unloading after transit should be??secured by adequate means to protect the cylinders. The means of securing should be??sufficient to hold the cylinders in place, yet not cause damage to the cylinders.
- If a cylinder is determined to be leaking or venting CO2?while in transit:
- Immediately pull the vehicle over??to the side of the road. Do not try to continue driving, or remain in, the vehicle??while the cylinder is leaking or venting. Inhalation of as little as 3% CO2?gas can cause uncomfortable physiological effects. Inhalations of large amounts of CO2?gas, 10% and above, can cause unconsciousness (in less than 1 minute) and possibly death.
- Do not try to stop the cylinder from leaking or venting. Leaking or venting CO2?gas can cause frostbite.
- Do not try removing a leaking or venting cylinder from a vehicle.
Including the above items in all practices for transporting CO2?cylinders should enhance the safety of all personnel, equipment and property.