Note 5: Purpose

Note 5: Purpose

After reading?Peter-Thiel’s book "Zero to One" (which, in my opinion, is one of the most?underrated?books out there) and discussing it with others, I concluded that?there are certain points in the book that aren’t obvious to everyone or may be overlooked or even misunderstood.?For this reason, I began writing a series of notes to further explain and expand on the ideas that I believe require more?emphasis?or?attention.

I hope that these notes will prove incredibly useful to you.

You may read them and think that some subjects were not mentioned in the book or were just briefly touched upon and insignificant.

However, in my opinion, these notes hold tremendous importance and have the potential to change your perspective and philosophy forever?(as they did for me).

Here (as we had in?the last notes), it’s?impossible?to write everything related to the purpose. Because it’s?infinite, I just have to mention some clues for those wanting to know more.

After all, let’s dive into it.

What is the purpose?

The idea of purpose is often mixed up with other things like goals or results. But the purpose is something bigger than just achieving a specific thing. It's about finding something that gives meaning to your life.

the purpose is foundational. it's not like I want to be the best or I want to be number one or I want to...

you know that those things are good and important. The goals are valid and valuable but that's not the reason you get out of bed in the morning. I recommend watching the next short video:

Purpose can be found in many parts of your life, like work, relationships, or things you're passionate about. It's what drives you to do more than just reach your immediate goals. You can't buy it, but once you find your purpose, it can change you in a big way. It gives you a sense of direction and motivation that you can't get from anything else. So, even though it might be confusing with other terms, the purpose is its own thing.

you may have heard the next famous quote from Winston Churchill:

It’s not enough to have lived. We should?be determined?to live for something!

this is the purpose. it's not unchangeable but it's the last thing that will change with something bigger.

watching this video by Simon Sinek is also recommended to find the meaning of purpose.

Entrepreneurship is not business as usual!

I think that the idea of "business is business" isn't true. While it's true that businesses exist to make a profit, it's also important to recognize that having a sense of purpose is critical to a business's success.

Purpose gives businesses a reason to exist beyond making money, and can inspire employees, attract customers, and drive innovation.

It truly is a bad thing that some mercenary entrepreneurs' purpose is only money, as becoming a unicorn and other similarly limited results are not the same as having a true purpose.

When businesses are focused solely on making money, they may make short-sighted decisions that harm their long-term success. On the other hand, businesses that prioritize their purpose can create a stronger sense of loyalty among employees and customers and can build a sustainable business model that benefits everyone.

While financial success is important for businesses, it's crucial to recognize that having a clear purpose and mission is even more important. The purpose does not equal financial success; rather, it's the driving force that inspires employees, attracts customers, and guides decision-making.

I highly recommend you read the second note which was about the mission. that's so related to this topic.

The Most Important Mindset Shift for Entrepreneurs!

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Changing your mindset from profit to purpose is the most important shift you can make as an entrepreneur. When driven by a sense of purpose, you are more likely to succeed in the long run.

As the saying goes (by Friedrich Nietzsche):

He who has a 'why' to live can bear almost any 'how'!

When you have a clear sense of purpose, you are more likely to find creative solutions to problems, be more resilient in the face of setbacks, and inspire others to join you in your mission.

When you focus solely on profit, however, you may miss out on opportunities to create something truly meaningful and impactful.

Therefore, if you want to become a "missionary entrepreneur" and build a business that makes a difference, you must first shift your mindset from profit to purpose.

for example, see the sharetribe's playbook here:

Purpose before profit. Our company exists, first and foremost, because of our cause: the positive change we want to see in the world. For us, running a profitable business is not a goal in itself, but a means to achieving our purpose. We will never increase our profits in a way that would jeopardize our pursuit of this purpose.

The Universal?Value of Purpose

It's crucial for individuals who identify as Westernist or even imperialists to focus on their purpose.

In today's world, there is a lot of emphasis on culture and other related terms, especially in Silicon Valley, which has become known as the hub of innovation and entrepreneurship.

However, it's important to recognize that passion and purpose are not limited to any culture or religion. Rather, it's about being irrationally passionate about something (as the Naval said here) and putting your all into it.

This can be seen in successful businesses and organizations around the world. Whether it's a tech startup in Silicon Valley or a social enterprise in a developing country, what sets them apart is their sense of purpose and the passion that drives them.

So, regardless of your background or beliefs, it's important to find your purpose and pursue it with all your heart and soul.

Why do ethics matter?

Entrepreneurship ethics is an underrated term that is often ignored by 99% of entrepreneurs. However, it's a critical component of building a successful business. Ethics is not about losing money, time, or other assets to help others. in the first stage. it's about helping yourself!

Being ethical and having strong moral principles can benefit you in many ways.

For example, being humble lead you to become open to learning and can help you grow and develop more quickly. Similarly, other ethical traits can help you build stronger relationships and gain the trust and respect of those around you.

While it may be tempting to cut corners or compromise on ethics to achieve short-term success, doing so can ultimately undermine your reputation and long-term success.

Therefore, embracing ethics and striving to act in a principled and ethical manner can ultimately lead to greater personal and professional growth and success.

Purpose-Driven Decision-Making

Having a clear sense of purpose is essential when it comes to rapid decision-making. When faced with confusion and uncertainty which is common in the first days of every startup, having a purpose can help you stay focused and make decisions more easily.

Without a clear purpose, you may feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of possible options and end up making decisions that aren't aligned with your goals.

However, when you have a purpose, it becomes easier to filter out distractions and focus on what truly matters. This can help you quickly identify the most important tasks and make decisions more efficiently.

Instead of getting bogged down by analysis paralysis, you can act quickly and confidently. Over time, this can help you become faster and more effective in your decision-making, which can be a huge advantage in your business and even your life.

Therefore, it's important to take the time to define your purpose and let it guide you in all of your decisions.

Beyond Tech Trends

Technology trends are constantly evolving, with new tools and innovations emerging regularly. While it can be tempting to focus solely on the latest and greatest technologies, it's important not to lose sight of the bigger picture.

Ultimately, the success of a company or organization is not determined by the technology it uses, but by the purpose it serves.

A meaningful authentic purpose, whether it's a mission to improve people's lives, solve a pressing societal problem, or create something impactful and inspiring, can provide a lasting source of motivation and inspiration for a team.

Therefore, while it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends, it's even more important to stay grounded in a clear and meaningful purpose that can guide and inspire the work that you do.

Did Thiel mention this topic in his book?

well no, but actually yes:)

he speaks about the foundations and he talks implicitly about culture and its importance at the beginning of the startup's journey:

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he tells us that some special works must be done at the beginning of the way and if you read all parts of the book, you will notice it's about culture.

Without a strong purpose and culture, it's difficult for a startup to differentiate itself from competitors and attract and retain customers and employees.

As Peter Thiel, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist, has pointed out, ignoring the importance of purpose and culture in the early days of a startup can have serious consequences. Once a company's culture is established, it can be difficult to change, and a lack of purpose can lead to confusion, disengagement, and even failure.

Therefore, founders must prioritize identifying a clear and compelling purpose for their startup from the outset.

he also speaks about relation between CEO's salary and a startup's culture:

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Thiel emphasizes that the CEO's salary can have a significant impact on a startup's culture. While it may be tempting for founders to pay themselves generously, doing so can send the wrong message to employees and create a culture of greed and short-term thinking.

On the other hand, a CEO who takes a lower salary can signal to employees that the startup's success is a shared purpose, and encourage a culture of collaboration and long-term thinking.

When the CEO is willing to sacrifice personal gain for the benefit of the startup's future, it can inspire employees to do the same. Moreover, a CEO who takes a lower salary can allow the company to allocate more resources toward hiring and retaining top talent, further strengthening the company's culture.

In this way, the CEO's salary can be a powerful tool for shaping a startup's culture and fostering a sense of shared purpose and commitment among its team members.

if you're interested in building culture with purpose, there is a good video that will help you shape your startup's culture by Patty McCord (ex-Netflix) and I highly recommend watching this video:

Finish! :)

PS: I apologize for its brevity. The topic of finding your purpose is a complex one that deserves more attention. That's why I would like to invite you to join my?Telegram channel, where I will be sharing more insights and tips on this topic. In my channel, I will be discussing how to find your purpose, what to do after you have found it, and how to deal with changes in your purpose. So, if you're interested in learning more, I encourage you to subscribe to my channel and join the conversation. Thank you for your time and attention.

what do we have next?

this note was the last note by the zero-to-one series and stay tuned for the next series! it will publish with a little break! :)


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