The nose knows ...

The nose knows ...

... how essential oils can elevate your sense of humor and transform mental health!

In a world where mental health diagnoses continue to rise, what if one of our most underutilized resources for psychological wellbeing was right under our nose—literally? The connection between our sense of smell, neuroplasticity, and our capacity for humor offers a fascinating and largely unexplored pathway to mental wellness that moves beyond pathologizing natural survival responses.

The Survival Brain vs. The Observer Mind

"The brain is wired for survival from conception. We're not fucked up... we're surviving."

This profound insight shifts our entire understanding of mental health. What we often label as disorders or dysfunctions are frequently adaptive survival mechanisms doing exactly what they evolved to do—keep us safe in perceived threat. The problem isn't the mechanism itself but the chronic activation of these responses in situations where they're no longer necessary.

The key to transformation lies not in suppressing these responses but in developing the capacity to observe them—to create space between stimulus and response where choice becomes possible. This observer perspective allows us to recognize our survival mechanisms without being driven by them.

The Neuroscience of Humor: A Pathway to Presence

Neuroimaging research reveals that humor engages multiple brain regions in a sophisticated dance of cognition and emotion:

  • The dorsal striatum contributes to humor comprehension
  • The ventral striatum drives humor appreciation
  • The frontal lobe processes the cognitive aspects
  • The limbic system generates emotional responses
  • The motor cortex, hypothalamus, and periaqueductal gray matter coordinate physical expressions of mirth

Most importantly, humor requires presence. You cannot genuinely experience humor while lost in worry about the future or rumination about the past. The very act of appreciating humor pulls us into the present moment—the same state that is essential for neuroplasticity and adaptive learning.

Olfaction: The Direct Path to Brain Regulation

The olfactory tubercle provides a unique, unfiltered pathway directly to key brain regions involved in both emotional regulation and humor processing:

  • Scent signals bypass the thalamus which filters all other sensory input
  • Aromatic compounds directly affect the limbic structures which govern emotions, motivation and behavior
  • Olfactory stimulation influences neurotransmitter production and regulation
  • Scent memories are some of our strongest neural imprints and why working with the sense of smell is necessary
  • The olfactory system maintains remarkable neuroplasticity throughout life

This direct connection creates an exceptional opportunity to influence brain function and support the transition from survival mode to observer consciousness.

The Bioactive Bridge: Essential Oil Constituents and Brain Function

Specific compounds found in essential oils have been studied for their effects on brain function:

Linalool & Linalyl Acetate

  • Found in neroli, basil linalool, thyme linalool, lavender, bergamot, coriander, etc
  • Support GABA receptor function, promoting calm
  • Create conditions for relaxed awareness
  • Help reduce hypervigilance that blocks humor


  • Found in over 200 essential oils
  • Supports dopamine function
  • Promotes positive emotional states
  • Enhances ability to perceive pleasure and joy


  • Found in black pepper, copaiba, helichrysum and others
  • Acts as a CB2 receptor agonist in the endocannabinoid system
  • Supports stress adaptation
  • Promotes a balanced inflammatory response in the brain

Alpha and Beta Pinene

  • Found in countless oils
  • Support acetylcholine function, enhancing mental clarity
  • Promote focused awareness
  • Enhance cognitive flexibility needed for humor

Eucalyptol (1,8 cineole)

  • Found in eucalyptus, niaouli cineole, laurel leaf, cardamom, rosemary cineole, etc
  • Supports respiratory function, enhancing oxygen flow
  • Promotes mental clarity
  • Creates sensations of openness and expansiveness

From Survival to Observer: The Olfactory Path to Presence

Using essential oils strategically can help facilitate the shift from survival mode to observer consciousness: (ALL recommended oils are a place to start. NOT a guarantee. Please be open minded, knowing your system has its own unique way of processing ‘information’. Nature’s way is adaptation so allow yourself to feel inspired and enjoy getting to know your system)

1. Pattern Interruption

When caught in rumination or worry:

  • Inhale an uplifting oil i.e. grapefruit, galbanum, frankincense carterii, cistus labdanum
  • Focus exclusively on the sensory experience ~ where do you feel it in your body?
  • Notice the silence between thought patterns
  • Use this gap to choose an alternate perspective

2. State Anchoring

To associate scents with the observer state:

  • During moments of natural presence and humor
  • Apply a specific oil or blend
  • Inhale gradually while fully experiencing a moment of serenity
  • Later, use the same oil to recall and reinforce this state

3. Humor Induction Practice

To intentionally cultivate humor with olfactory support:

  • Select oils that leave you feeling emotionally uplifted
  • Create a personal "humor blend"
  • Use before watching or listening to something funny
  • Notice how the oils enhance receptivity to humor

Elevating Humor for Health

"We can elevate our sense of humor for the health of it."

The benefits of enhanced humor capacity extend far beyond momentary pleasure:

Physical Benefits

  • Stimulates immune function
  • Reduces stress hormones
  • Releases endorphins
  • Improves cardiovascular function
  • Relaxes muscle tension

Psychological Benefits

  • Creates psychological distance from problems
  • Provides perspective on challenges
  • Enhances cognitive flexibility
  • Builds resilience to stress
  • Improves social connection

Neurological Benefits

  • Promotes neuroplasticity
  • Creates novel neural connections
  • Enhances memory formation
  • Improves learning capacity
  • Supports brain health

Beyond Pathology: A New Perspective on Mental Health

"Instead of recognizing the stress response/survival mechanism, people are being treated like they are mentally and emotionally sick."

This insight invites a radical reframing of mental health approaches. Rather than pathologizing natural survival responses, what if we:

  • Honored the adaptive purpose of these mechanisms
  • Supported the transition to observer consciousness
  • Enhanced neuroplasticity to create new options
  • Utilized natural tools like essential oils to facilitate shifts
  • Cultivated humor as a pathway to presence and perspective

Practical Applications: The Olfactory-Humor Protocol

Daily Practices

  1. Morning Mindset Shift
  2. Pattern Interrupt Protocol
  3. Evening Integration Practice

Targeted Applications

  1. For Performance Anxiety
  2. For Interpersonal Tension
  3. For Chronic Worry

Supporting Neuroplasticity Throughout Life

The combination of essential oils, observer consciousness, and humor creates ideal conditions for enhanced neuroplasticity:

  • Aromatic compounds provide neurobiochemical support
  • Observer perspective expands your mind for new choices
  • Humor enhances learning and memory formation
  • Together they create a virtuous cycle of adaptation and growth

Empowerment Through Understanding

"My wish is to offer a perspective that helps people feel lighter and empowered”

True empowerment comes through understanding:

  • The brain's instinctive orientation is survival
  • The difference between survival mechanisms and pathology
  • Tools for shifting from reactivity to response
  • The power of humor as a perspective-generating capacity
  • The direct route to feeling and being better is the olfactory system

By recognizing these natural processes and supporting them with natural tools, we move from feeling broken to recognizing our innate capacity for adaptation and growth.

Moving Forward

The path to enhanced wellbeing through olfactory-supported humor includes:

  1. Developing an observer relationship with survival responses
  2. Using essential oils to optimize neuroplasticity
  3. Intentionally cultivating humor as a present-moment practice
  4. Creating personalized protocols for state shifting
  5. Trusting the body's innate capacity for balance and adaptation

Join me to explore these concepts further in the Natural Intelligence program, where we discover how to work with rather than against our inherent capacity for growth, adaptation, and yes—even humor.


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