No's Are Your Friend in a Negotiation

No's Are Your Friend in a Negotiation

There are many "no's" to get to a "yes." Most people don't realize that it will take many "no's" to get there. Keep track of progress and recognize that a no is okay and a tentative yes could be better. No's are your friend on the way toward eliminating and opening other options.

On the Way to a Yes

"No" means the current option isn't feasible. It doesn't mean you'll never get to a "yes."On the contrary, every "no" takes you closer to your goal. By eliminating possibilities, you can focus on realistic options.

Every "no" opens up new possibilities. Maybe the person you're negotiating with has an ulterior motive, and you weren't aware of it. Perhaps they're looking for something you can provide. The only way to find out is to keep talking and explore all options.

Tentative Yeses aren't Good Enough

A tentative yes means that the other person doesn’t commit fully, and they could still back out. The tentativeness is often worse than a straight-up "no" because it gives you false hope. It's important to remember that until you have a signed contract, nothing is concrete. So only celebrate once the deal is done and dusted.

Remember, when you're negotiating, your ultimate goal is a resounding "yes." But it will take many "no's" to get there. So keep track of your progress and realize that every "no" brings you one step closer to your goal. And every "no" also opens up new possibilities. So don't be discouraged by early setbacks—keep pushing forward, and eventually, you'll get what you want.

So true - "no" isn't the end of a deal, it's the beginning of a discussion.



