Northwestern Alumni in Ministry

Northwestern Alumni in Ministry

With a rich beginning as a missionary training school, and over 120 years of Biblical teaching, it should be no surprise that thousands of University of Northwestern – St. Paul alums are involved in ministry and missions. Last month, we asked for alums involved in ministry of any kind to tell us what they are up to. Alumni in a variety of roles, from near and far, responded with how they are serving God and where He has sent them.

DISCLAIMER: This post won’t do justice to the full story of what the Lord has been doing in their lives, but hopefully we’ll be able to share more of those stories later!

Sam Olson '14 (right) | Living Hope Church, Willmar, MN

?Youth & Young Adult Ministry

  • Sam Olson ’14 (pictured above) is on staff at Living Hope Church in Willmar where he works with 7th-12th grade students, building their spiritual support network.
  • Taylor Lindahl ’20 and his wife disciple our very own UNW students at The North Church. Their desire in Campus Outreach Minneapolis is to raise up more faithful disciples who are passionate about the Gospel and intentionally building relationships for the sake of Gospel ministry.
  • Nicole Bahr ’23 is working for two churches while anticipating going back onto the mission field. She is the Children’s Ministry Curriculum Coordinator at Hosanna and the Worship Production Lead at Life21 Church.
  • Nick Kmoch ’18 was led across the border to work full time for the Greater Iowa Youth for Christ in Mason City as the Senior Ministry Director. He is also a chaplain for the US Army Reserves and just finished 8 months of active duty with a special operations unit.
  • Meghan (Johns) Andrukaitis ’10 teaches international students at Maranatha Christian Academy in Brooklyn Park, some of whom are hearing the gospel for the first time!
  • Kendra (Carlson) Winemiller ’98 has been involved in Children’s Ministry for 16 years and is the Director of Kids Ministry at Heritage Christian Church in Westerville, Ohio.
  • Krissie Kramer ’13 works with over 175 middle school students a week at Third Church where she encourages them to show up as they are, experience Jesus and know who He created them to be. She also creates ministry graphics and records their family ministry podcast.
  • Elizabeth (Kuphal) Townsend ‘81 has taught Sunday School for over 50 years, preparing her own curriculum and customizing it for the audience. She currently teaches grades 1-3 at Cornerstone Evangelical Church in Fergus Falls, MN. Her goal is to keep teaching Sunday School until God says no or until He returns!

Greg & Mary (Boyd) '80 Pearson


  • Mary (Boyd) Pearson ’80 and her husband, Greg, are in their 40th year with Wycliffe Bible Translators. 30 years were spent in Papua New Guinea working with the Lote (LO-tay) people (see photo above), learning the language, devising an alphabet, developing literacy, and translating the New Testament. The Lote people celebrated their complete New Testament in 2010. They are still involved, remotely, bringing God’s Word to those who still wait.?
  • Abby Gomez Athman ’20 and her husband, Jordy, are missionaries and founders of Breath of Life Dance ministry in Costa Rica, which focuses on providing free, biblically-based dance classes and discipleship to the at-risk youth in the area.

Jordy & Abby Gomez Athman '20

  • Michelle Quigley-Chapman ’95 and her husband Lonnie Chapman ’00 (see photo below) are missionaries with United World Mission, serving in Limerick City, Ireland. They also lead a local charity called “Serve the City Limerick” which mobilizes volunteers (many of whom are refuges, asylum seekers, or international students) to serve people who are vulnerable and marginalized, by doing practical things together.


  • David ‘96 & Gretchen ‘93 Spooner started Cross Point church in Rockford, IL in 2007. As part of Converge and The Gospel Coalition, they provide community outreach, have a multicultural church, and have a missions mindset.
  • Brad Aust ’98 has been pastoring in Heartland Community Church in St. Charles, MN since August 2021.
  • Aaron Lynch ’05 has been faithfully serving in pastoral and non-profit ministry for the last 22 years and is now the Connections Pastor at Pursuit Community Church in Mounds View, MN.?
  • Josh Hayden ’12 is the lead pastor of Living Rock Church in Luverne, MN. He has also served as the youth pastor and worship pastor. He has been in ministry since leaving Northwestern.

Josh Hayden '12 | Living Rock Church

  • Tim Herset ’12 served as the Young Life Area Director until he recently accepted the call to be the next Senior Pastor at Faith Church (a Free Lutheran Congregation). He has a beautiful opportunity to serve alongside Pastor Steve Snipstead until he retires in May 2024. It is going to be a great time transitioning leadership and learning together.
  • Richard Moore ’16 is the pastor of a small rural church which was established in 1860 – Bluff Hall Evangelical Free Church. Since answering the call of this church he has lead it in an ongoing revitalization project. They have worked to bring the weekly service online and get more involved with the community.

Jordan Bailey '14 | Abba's House

?Worship Leaders & Church staff

  • Jordan Bailey ’14 (photo above) is the Worship Director for at Abba’s House church in Chattanooga, TN.
  • Jennifer (Chatman) Magnuson ’94 will reach the 30-year milestone at her church, Coon Rapids Evangelical Free Church, in June 2024. She was hired right after her UNW graduation and has served in several roles at the church including youth ministry, CE, and office administrator. She has had about 7-8 different titles over the years and feels blessed to have served in those roles.
  • Deb (McBain) Eakin ’77 serves as the part-time church secretary at Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville, Tennessee. She has been working at the church for almost ten years and previously served at a church in Harvest, Alabama, for almost 9 years.? She so enjoys being able to post scripture on the church Facebook and outdoor sign, and loves seeing the gospel spread weekly.
  • Caleb Haynes ’17 is a church planter with the EFCA. Earlier this year, his family moved from MN to Colorado to plant a church in the Fort Collins region of Colorado. They believe God is calling them to reach the unreached and the dechurched who have walked away from their faith
  • Sarah (Oelrich) Lieuwen ’04 is currently in her 13th year as the Adult & Family Ministry Director at Shalom Christian Reformed Church in Sioux Falls, SD. She has a lot of hats, including organizing events that promote and encourage community. She also coordinates “Coffee Break”, which is a weekly women's non-denominational Bible study.

Jason and Toni (Robatcek) Butz ‘00

?Ministry Founders

  • Jason and Toni (Robatcek) Butz ‘00 launched Forge A Legacy in 2022 to build up marriages and families to who are proactively or redemptively looking to walk in the fullness of Christ. Many of the people they serve have had divorces filed, restraining orders against their spouses, attempted suicides, homosexual tendencies, and estrangement from family. These people have all but given up hope, but come to this ministry for intentional guidance before things are even worse.
  • Fred and Dorothy (Letellier) Peterson ’64 have spent their careers teaching teens with learning and behavioral disabilities, including 2 years in a residential treatment center for delinquent boys, two years as teacher trainers in the Peace Corps, and nine years in the Robbinsdale District 281. In 1979, a ministry was born from their kitchen table that is known today as TreeHouse. Minnesota currently has 13 different TreeHouse sites bringing hope to over 1,300 youth.Upon retirement from TreeHouse, Fred and Dorothy asked the Lord what might be next. They began bringing Community Bible Study lessons to 200 inmates with Prison Fellowship. They served for five consecutive years every Wednesday night, rain or shine. Eventually, God moved them to start a second ministry known today as FreedomWorks. FreedomWorks has grown to currently serve over 155 men and women providing housing and mandated services for those with a felony background. FreedomWorks owns a full city block in North Minneapolis and recently purchased another building that is being rehabbed to serve 45 additional men released from prison. Praise Jesus!

Zach McClellan

Recruiting Lead at Digineer

1 年

Quality content! In line with the school mission - very nice to see.



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