Northeast Indiana Could Use Your Input
Derek Pillie
Using tech and best practices to build strong customer experiences and deliver outstanding messages in the public sector.
With apologies to the original Jack of All Trades, William Shakespeare, shared without Marc Antony's irony...
Friends, contacts, acquaintances... lend me your time!
I come to get your input, not to deplore it!
The information people share lives after them;
The data is oft stored to their profile;
So let it be with this survey. The noble Partnership
Hath told you northeast Indiana is ambitious:
If it were so, it would be true,
And truthfully hath the Partnership promoted it.
Here, under leave of the Partnership and their staff -
For the partnership is an honorable organizations;
So are they all, all honorable organizations -
Come I to ask for your input.
It is my home, faithful and just to me:
But the Partnership says our region is ambitious;
And the Partnership is an honorable organization
They hath attracted many companies to our region
Whose tax payments did the general coffers fill:
Did this in northeast Indiana seem ambitious?
When that the unemployed have cried, our region hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet the Partnership says our region is ambitious;
And the Partnership is an honorable organization.
I speak not to disprove what the Partnership spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You might love us, and not without cause:
What cause withholds you then, to complete this survey?
O judgement! Thou art fled to poor assumptions
And men have lost their reason. Bear with me;
My mind seeks empirical analysis of outside impressions of our region,
And I must pause until you complete this survey.
Seriously, if you're not from northeast Indiana, I know there are a few people here who'd love to get your input. Just click on
Director of Advancement at Latino Economic Development Center
9 年Best survey intro ever.
Chairperson at Press-Seal Corporation
9 年If to be or not to be that is the question and in that I am from within the region I dare not cast my arrows through yonder survey window but do reply to sayeth that any region can only be as fair as the toiles of its labored soles maketh! So end this folly and be gone with you naysayer! Submitted somewhere in the Conch Republic
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