North Port Game Changer
City of North Port Economic Development
Helping North Port achieve growth, development, quality jobs and an outstanding quality of life.
All Eyes on Her
North Port is a vibrant and diverse City that prides itself on its strong and inclusive leadership. Women play a pivotal role in shaping our City, with many holding key positions of power and influence. Their contributions have helped create a community that is welcoming, inclusive, and committed to making our City a better place for all its residents.
Over 80 percent of North Port's Director and Assistant Director positions and 55 percent of management positions are filled by women. North Port's recent success is a testament to the value of gender diversity in positions of power, which introduce new perspectives and innovative solutions.
Leading Woman | Assistant City Manager Julie Bellia
It's not often that we come across individuals who dedicate their entire lives to bettering their communities. Julie Bellia is one such person; she has spent over 40 years in public service to the City of North Port.
Starting in 1980 as a Clerk Typist, she held 10 total positions within the City, each with greater responsibility than the last. From Assistant to Manager, from Manager to Director, and finally from Director to Assistant City Manager, Bellia is an inspirational woman leader who continues to bring North Port to new heights.
What do you believe are the greatest contributors to your success?
My drive, my caring and compassion, and my love and enjoyment for what I do. It’s not always about the money, it's about feeling like you are making a difference every day.
Through your long career, you found yourself in numerous male-dominated fields. What advice do you have for young women hoping to thrive in these spaces?
Just be yourself. I think it's important you don’t let your gender stigmatize you, even in male-dominated careers. Men and women are equal, and you should never feel that they are superior or that you can’t obtain what they obtained.
Have you seen how women are treated in these fields change over time?
Yes, definitely; that has changed dramatically. I believe it's twofold. One, because there is more of a sense of equality between men and women. The older way of thinking is that men should dominate certain fields. That is no longer the case. Two, as generations have changed, thought processes have changed. Younger generations tend to enforce a sense of equality.
What are you most excited for in the future of North Port?
I am most excited to see the end product of the City of North Port at full buildout. The City is really growing into a beautiful place, still maintaining its community orientation and beauty despite its growth. I’m anxious to see how successful the City will be.
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Acting Secretary Meredith Ivey Visits Tervis in North Port
Florida DEO Secretary Meredith Ivey recently toured the Tervis Fulfillment Center in the Benderson Development North Port Business Park, providing valuable insights into the commercial activity in our City. Here are some tour highlights she will be able to take back to the state capitol:
Overall, Secretary Ivey's tour of the Tervis Fulfillment Center and Benderson North Port Business Park highlights the exciting commercial activity taking place in our City. With extended water and sewer infrastructure and support from our City's government, development in this area is well-positioned for success.