North Carolina's Disruptive Technologies are Meeting Emerging Defense Needs.

North Carolina's Disruptive Technologies are Meeting Emerging Defense Needs.

This week at the 2022 Defense Technology Symposium (DTS 22), the DEFTECH team had the opportunity to highlight several of our Innovative Companies and Academic Institutions. We were also privileged to host over 16 government agencies and several NC Universities at the DTS 22. The DEFTECH team facilitated discussions on emerging defense needs and how disruptive technology in the NC Innovation Ecosystem can meet those needs.

In this blog post, I would like to share the background and how you can participate in the DEFTECH TIDE “Tech Scouting” program.

DEFTECH Value Proposition “Golden Circle” Start with WHY!

WHY: We believe in relationships and the power of a Community to collaborate, win and strengthen National Security through NC technology solutions!

HOW: DEFTECH leverages rapid contract mechanisms such as Other Transaction Authorities (OTA) and rapid federal acquisition processes to prototype, inform requirements, and speed technology transition to Warfighting Capabilities.

Goal: Transition Technology to Warfighting Capabilities.

The National Defense Strategy (NDS 2022) states the need for: “Getting the technology we need more quickly” into the hands of Warfighters and Homeland Defenders.

WHAT: DEFTECH serves as the North Carolina hub to facilitate communication & collaboration between the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security and the region’s “Innovation Ecosystem.”

Please see the DEFTECH TIDE concept that we believe will help posture NC left of “bang” (left of the requirement) and into the problem-space to accelerate technology transition into the hands of Warfighters.

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DEFTECH TIDE is a Tech Scouting Program to meet the challenges across the national defense and homeland security technology landscape. We start with the “big picture” strategic perspective that is essential to get left of “bang” and left of the requirement and into the “problem-space.” The DEFTECH TIDE approach has resonated across the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security Innovation Outreach Offices. NC DEFTECH is working to identify transformative technologies that will provide leap-ahead capabilities for the Nation.

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Strategic Framing for why DEFTECH developed the TIDE program:

The National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies states:

“Throughout our history, American achievements and leadership in science and technology (S&T) have been a driving factor for our way of life, prosperity, and security. However, American leadership in S&T faces growing challenges from strategic competitors, who recognize the benefits of S&T and are organizing massive human and capital resources on a national scale to take the lead in areas with long-term consequences.”

DEFTECH is Staying Ahead of the Threat in a changing “global geopolitical environment.”

  • The National Defense Strategy states: “We are in an era of Great-Power Competition.” There has never been a greater need for NC innovation to support Departments of Defense and Homeland Security agencies looking to acquire cutting-edge technologies.
  • The Defense Acquisition System starts with a Requirement: but those needs and requirements change rapidly based on new technologies introduced into the Joint Operational Environment.
  • The DEFTECH Mission: DEFTECH enables the NC innovation ecosystem to address complex national security problems.
  • DEFTECH Vision: North Carolina is the “The Frontline of the Future,” supporting the Nation’s defense and homeland security to provide technological overmatch in a changing Joint and Multi-Domain operational environment.
  • As a state entity, DEFTECH connects the NC Innovation Ecosystem (NCIE) (businesses, universities, community colleges, public/private partnerships, investors, and North Carolina military bases) with emerging and urgent technology requirements across the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to provide optimum solutions for our country’s most pressing defense, health, first responder, and law enforcement needs.

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Technology Scouting and Technology Transition Acceleration Program


The North Carolina Defense Technology Transition Office (NC DEFTECH) launched the Technology, Innovation, Demonstration, and Experimentation program entitled: DEFTECH TIDE. TIDE provides an opportunity for technology developers to demonstrate and experiment with new and evolving technological capabilities in an operationally relevant environment and obtain government customer insights into federal technology gaps and emerging needs.

DEFTECH TIDE is a Four-Phased Program. Phases 1-3 are quarterly, and Phase 4 is an annual event.

  1. Phase 1: Request for Quad Charts through the TIDE RFI. Canvas NC for innovative technologies that address complex national security problems at a technology readiness level (TRL) of 4 or greater.
  2. Phase 2: Collaborate with federal innovation outreach offices to catalog and share technology approaches to increase awareness of the NC Innovation Ecosystem. Work to align TIDE Events with SBIR/STTR phases and schedules for federal agencies to build predictability.
  3. Phase 3: Present technology areas that meet emerging federal requirements to a panel of government experts at the TIDE Technology Solutions Briefs (TSB) meetings.?
  4. Phase 4: Annual event to demonstrate/experiment with military operators in an operationally relevant environment.


1. Connect on the problem and collaboratively iterate critical technology solutions to solve Warfighter needs.

2. Build a cyclical program in NC to showcase emerging technology solutions and baseline current technological approaches.

3. Create external partnerships and teaming opportunities across the national Defense Industrial Base (DIB).

Are you ready to "jump in" and be a part of the TIDE that is meeting emerging national security challenges?

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For additional information about the DEFTECH TIDE program, please get in touch with us at [email protected]



