Normative ACLR values when returning to sport

Normative ACLR values when returning to sport

This tremendous accumulation of work by Van Melick and colleagues that covers normative values for isokinetic quads and hamstring strengthening has now just recently been beefed up with jump and hop normative data for ACLR athletes.

If you're like me and unfortunately don't get to see many ACL patients before surgery, knowing what similar athletes at the same age, same sport and same sport level can achieve in terms of strength values and jump/hop values can at the time of their return to sport can allow us to make better clinical decisions in guiding our ACLR back to sport safely and at the right time.

For example, if you go to the ACL Reference Values website you'll see that you can click on Basketball as a pivoting sport, then you can click on female elite, then you can click on 20-35yrs of age, and then you can the normative data for ACLR patients for different isokinetic tests and speeds for quads and hamstring strength as well as normative hop test distances for a variety of hop tests.

It is so well done, and the best thing it is free to use - so get using it if you see ACL patients in the return to sport phase of their journey and you don't have pre-op data to compare their post-op results to.

Just to be clear - the ACL reference values website you need to go to is here

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