NORMALIZE Your Solution

NORMALIZE Your Solution

“Your goal should be to NORMALIZE your SOLUTION so that it becomes integrated in the life of your ideals.” - Jared Yellin

Focus on creating your…


This is recession proof…

This is pandemic proof…

This is competition proof…

When YOUR SOLUTION becomes normalized in the life of your ideal customer, client, or patient they make the statement…


And I know businesses that have achieved this across all industries….

From Software…

To Chiropractic…

To Coaching…

To Food Delivery…

To Supplementation…

To House-Keeping…

To Massage…


And the way they did it was through three specific conduits…

  1. Deliver The Goods
  2. Educate Your Ideal
  3. Create An Experience

Let’s break these down…

Step 1 - Deliver The Goods

Your service must solve a meaningful problem in the life of your client, customer, or patient and this problem is ideally one that causes pain.

That pain could be emotional, physical, financial, time, health, etc.

If your GOODS are able to make your ideal FEEL GOOD and FUNCTION GOOD and LIVE GOOD then you are all GOOD!

And you step into the frame of…


But here’s the key…

You MUST deliver!

You can’t say you are going to solve their problem and then fall short…

The key is to actually over-deliver and the way you can over-deliver is with step two and step three…

Step 2 - Educate Your Ideal

When you step into the space of education it makes you more valuable. Many people think the opposite because in their mind if they educate their ideal too much eventually they won’t need them but this could not be further from the case.

An educated client, customer, and/or patient makes educated decisions and as long as you are delivering the goods the educated decision is to remain working with you because you are solving their pain. 

PLUS, when you step into the space of being an educator it makes you appear to be even more of an expert and people LOVE working with THE expert and will pay more for this reason alone.

PLUS PLUS, an educated client, customer, or patient is educated which means that they can go out and educate other people which will naturally increase your referrals.

But the key is stickiness on your quest to become an…


Which is what Step 3 will enable…

Step 3 - Create An Experience

When people can associate an emotional response to working with you this embeds an experience in their mind, body, and spirit and people have a VERY difficult time eliminating positive feelings from their lives. 

Especially, when the going gets tough...

Your experiential solution will become EVEN MORE sought after because it creates a desired FEELING during a challenging time!

There is a leader in the Chiropractic Profession that shared a story with me many years ago which epitomizes Step 3…

Mary was a patient in the chiropractors office and she came in for her weekly adjustment and the next day she was sitting in the waiting room once again. The Chiropractor immediately thought something was wrong and approached her with concern…

Her response was perfect, “I was walking past your office and there is a specific feeling I get when I am here and I just needed it today.” 

The feeling you create should be one of security, support, love, compassion, empathy, fun, thrill, excitement and any other desired emotional response. 

AND - you can and should be INTENTIONAL with the creation of this experience!

I have the perfect example of the I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT TRIO IN ACTION...

My wife and I recently hired a survival swim instructor to come to our home for our kids and she has 100% stepped into the category of…


  1. She has already over-delivered with our kids and she is just getting started.
  2. She furiously educates us on the importance of what she is doing which makes what she is doing even more valuable because without this skill our kids are in danger.
  3. She makes every session an experience because she is fun, makes the kids laugh, brings them tiny presents, and overall has such magnetic energy. 

And as a result…

She has officially entered the category that YOU should strive to step into…


I hope you take this exercise seriously and I hope you value yourself enough to normalize your solution so that it becomes a utility in the life of your IDEAL and officially a…


Live with Intention,



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