Not Normal Growth
I continuously try to learn outside my industry and outside my existing prejudices.
I fail most of the time.
But when I succeed, I feel my brain shift for the better, like a locked joint starting to bend and suddenly more movement of thought is possible.
We live in a world where media is targeted to feed our existing beliefs, and shares from our friends further reinforce our existing biases, because, well that is why they are our friends.
It is good to step out the echo chamber. Lex Friedman interviews everybody, the two I have chosen are the less controversial perhaps of all he has spoken to and about. But they may make you think differently. And they may make you behave differently. And thinking and behaving differently may lead to different opportunities, possibilities and outcomes.
James Sexton is a highly successful divorce lawyer and teaches what makes successful relationships. Like a true scientist he can say what works by removing the existence of what does not. I challenge any of us to listen to this and not agree with the vast majority of what he says. All said in a very entertaining way. The learnings are not only useful in personal relationships as well. We are all human, be it at work or at home.
Steve Keen speaks to "Marxism, Capitalism, and Economics". The most engaging part is on climate change and how authoritarian regimes have a greater chance of effecting needed change than any western democratic state. How the real problems are the changing weather patterns and the need to understand in parallel the three complex systems of the biosphere, the human brain and the economy.
Do I leave these two conversations thinking I have met messiahs that are universally true and good. No. But I do leave both conversations with perspectives and language I would not have without. And the self realization of how closed minded I can be, when I think I am being very open.
All I can do is recommend you listen to both and I would love to hear your comments. If I can persuade one more person to listen to something they would otherwise have not then this post I will view with success.
And thank you to Lex Fridman , who is willing to speak to anybody with an open mind based on love and respect, irrelevant of perspective.