Normal Defined?
In our rush to end or limit remote working, are we failing to look beyond the present? Is the move to be back in the workplace an actual need or past generational mindsets of needing to “return to normal?”
We are failing to look at the world through the eyes of the current generation (Gen Z), and the next generation (Alpha Gen). Two generations are immersed in technology, social networking, and remote learning. Virtual classrooms are inclusive and tech-driven environments that focus on being flexible, creative, and engaging. Not by choice, but as a directive that has become their normal mindset.
Their observed learning has consisted of remote working adults, shared living, and workspace that included multiple conversations via phone, texting, instant messaging, and video chats to name a few. Not in a formal workspace, but in the comfort of their own space. They see the world as always connected with flexible schedules, allowing for a seamless work-life balance.
Look around, the Alpha Generation (2010 – 2025) is “born” with a technology device in their hands. What TV was to earlier generations, has been replaced by on-the-go connected devices that teach, entertain, and engage, from anywhere at any time. Do we really think that we will be able to entice this generation to sit down and take direction from individuals who don’t “get it?”
What most of us fail to understand is that the Alpha Generation is always learning. They can mentally multitask, and problem-solve faster. They seek purpose in what they do. They appear to cut to the chase by looking for shortcuts, and easier ways to identify answers through expected technology. Knowledge is not about memorizing facts; it is about knowing how and where to source the data and information.
Instead of being focused on “returning,” let’s begin to focus on going forward. Identifying what we are failing to observe and learn for our future. Businesses, School Boards, Colleges, Universities, and trade schools are entrenched in the basics of the past, and late to prepare for the expectations of future generations. The future is based on blends of technology, flexibility, and purpose. To ensure our success we need our working, learning, and living environments to define and meet the expectations of generations to come. Each is designed to change as technology changes. Our role as leaders, teachers, coaches, mentors, and parents is to provide the resources as they arrive and develop their Critical Thinking skills to assist each of us in navigating the new normal going forward, wherever we are.