NonStop Insider Vol 3, #5 – the February 2019 issue promotes upcoming events as well as news from social media featuring HPE …

NonStop Insider Vol 3, #5 – the February 2019 issue promotes upcoming events as well as news from social media featuring HPE …

“In this February 2019 issue of the NonStop Insider you will read about face-to-face meetings taking place around the world – user and vendor communities enjoy these exchanges and find them very useful. You will also see the interest in making users’ migration to the new NonStop x and vNonStop as easy as possible …” Yes, the community is very much alive and looking forward to upcoming UG events not the least being that about to take place in Tampa Florida – SunTUG!

Of course, too, there is news about the plans under way for the big European event now being rebranded as ETBC (European Technical Boot Camp), hosted by BITUG. This rebranding is being undertaken to further highlight its importance for the European NonStop community and with all future big European events (rotating as they are now doing with both BITUG and GTUG playing hosts each other year), you will see this reference to ETBC. As for the upcoming event in Edinburgh, it should be a good one as this will likely be the first event in 2019 where the HPE NonStop team provides an update on who is running virtualized NonStop.

Finally, take a look at the number of OpEd and Commentaries included in this issue and consider this your open invitation to email your own submission to Margo Holen, the managing editor at [email protected].

We are now welcoming all such articles and should you be looking for a forum whereby you can cover a topic that is close to your heart, then we would like to hear from you.

And don’t forget – if you aren’t a subscriber to this digital publication, you should really consider clicking on this link –


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