Nonprofit talent recruitment: 2023 trends
Mariya (Maria) Yurukova, MBA, CFRE
President & CEO @ Charity Search Group | MBA, CFRE
2022 saw many organisations growing or recovering staffing levels to pre-pandemic numbers, will the trend continue in 2023??If we have learned anything during the pandemic, it is that prediction the future is risky business. Here are some trends to watch for in 2023:
Trend 1: Employers will have a hard time finding top talent
Trend 2: Someone will blink when it comes to salary demands
Trend 3: Hiring will be challenging, just like it has always been. While 2022 saw a lot of hiring urgency, the talent market for experienced nonprofit professionals has always been? competitive. Roles such as Development Directors, Executive Directors and new growth areas do not have the talent pipeline to support the demand long-term.?These roles will continue to be challenging to fill. Insider tip: If you plan on hiring for any of them in 2023, think about investing in professional development for internal staff
Trend 4: Early/mid-career candidates
Trend 5: The onsite vs remote vs work from home vs hybrid debate
While many organizations were growing or recovering staffing levels to pre-pandemic numbers in 2022, next year will bring changes to nonprofit talent recruitment. Whatever the changes, we are confident that the nonprofit sector will still be a great place to work and we can't wait to advocate on behalf of great organisations with inspiring missions!