The nonprofit field is a liberal versus conservative one? (Part One)
Scott L. Myers, M.A., ACNP
Nonprofit Executive ? Fundraising Leader ? Communications Officer ? Strategic Visionary ? Relationship Manager ? Advocate ? Dad
Let's get a few things out there before I start.
First, let's remember that although liberal and conservative tend to have their respective political parties, it is not an automatic and therefore the focus is not on political opinions, motivations, or parties, but rather ways of thinking.
*Politics out of it right now.
Second, we can probably all agree that the nonprofit field tends to lean very liberal, at least in theory, so this is in no way a knock at those who lean left no more than it is in no way a knock at those who lean right.
*We are human first and foremost.
Third and finally, this is not a "right versus wrong" piece, but rather an opportunity to discuss common ground in an age where we are seeing division more than we should, and definitely more than we need.
Good? Let's begin.
I want to start with a story. I promise it is not going to be a sob story that at the end of the trials and tribulations I come out and say, "and that person was me." Listen, we probably all have a personal story like that or at least one that is close to the heart, so I won't bore you with mine; however, as someone who has spent the vast majority of his career in nonprofit (most of which in a fundraising position of some sorts attempting to raise money for services for those with such stories), I have come across more than I care to mention. Individuals who lost homes due to the weight of medical bills from fighting cancer - families who fell apart due to the failing hope brought on by stress, job loss, and drug abuse - and individuals attempting to make a life of their own, just like the rest of us, but due to their disABILITY, lack of transportation, criminal record, or any number (and I am aware that number is MASSIVE) of traits lack the resources and outlets to do it. The stories are out there and there are a ton! However, the story I want to tell is a little different.
Here we go.
A middle-aged person was walking down the street approaching a twenty year old college student standing behind a folding table handing out pamphlets asking for support for some initiative close to their heart. The college student turned to the person just as they began to pass, held out the pamphlet for them to take, and said, "excuse me, do you mind helping our cause today? We are needing help to get us over this hump to assist those impacted by the issue on this pamphlet." The person took the pamphlet, looked it over, opened it up, read it, and then looked at the student to say, "I don't necessarily see how this is any of my issue - care to enlighten me?" The college student, somewhat confused, responded. "So many people were impacted that need our help. Without help, they run the risk of not getting back to a life they had and/or desire. Help from other entities, like government-sponsored programs, even if they qualify, are running dry and unfortunately wait times are long, assistance won't cover it all, and qualification is difficult at best. Any assistance we can give will positively help them in the community - continue working, continue living, and continue contributing. These our our neighbors, employers, employees, church members, brothers, sisters, and friends. If it's not you or someone you know today, while we hope it won't be in the future, it could be. We need to set the precedent that this is important for us all in order to stand strong together and not let it control us." The middle-aged person stood there, obviously thinking, and said, "that makes sense, but I just don't see that happening to me; I wish you luck, but not today." The person continued walking without helping.
End of story.
Now, did you personally assign anything in that story? Did you come up with your own "that person is ___________" or "that cause must be ____________"?
Nowhere in that story is a gender mentioned. Nowhere a specific cause or mission. Not a specific organization, a specific amount needed, nor a specific issue of the times. Some may read this and right away think - that middle-aged person is heartless. But what if I said the issue was something you didn't like too - something "conservative" (or liberal, depending on your thinking preference)? Some may think that college student was pushing some "liberal" agenda (or conservative, depending on your thinking preference). Perhaps the middle-aged person was someone willing to employ undocumented workers or maybe a die-hard second amendment - everyone can have an AR-15 type of person - advocate. Perhaps the college student was a Medicare-for-all supporter or maybe they just want to support the development of tougher penalties for those who bypass the legal entry requirements into the country. Maybe the middle-aged person was white and the college student black; maybe one was Native American and the other Asian. Honestly, maybe they weren't even from the United States and the entire story took place in Germany.
Ultimately, all of that is not the point.
Sure, liberals and conservatives have their own pet projects, causes, missions, organizations, and issues. I am not wanting to dispute or take those away. However, disagreement does not mean wrong. The fact that the story remained vague in virtually everything possible makes it applicable to anyone and both sides came together, were respectful (even in disagreement), and carried on regardless.
That said, even in this case, something close to their heart motivated the college student to act.
*Yes, conservatives and liberals alike have hearts.
Even in this case, the middle-aged person, despite not wanting to support or seeing the connection to them personally, understood the importance of this issue to this student (and even wished them luck).
*Yes, conservatives and liberals alike can empathize.
Even in this case, while a connection on the issue did not occur, the seed was planted (by the student) and education on the issue occurred (onto the middle-aged person).
*Yes, conservatives and liberals can (and should) educate one another for the future - as a matter of fact, many embrace it (even if they feel like they can't show it).
Like I said at the beginning, I have spent a career in this field and while I will not put out there my liberal or conservative leanings (those of you who know me best probably know), the fact remains that we are all in this together - practically every issue out there. And while certain thinkings and leanings may offer a different way to address those issues, we should all remember that the human leaning should always trump the secular thinking we have come accustomed to, even in the nonprofit world.
I know wealthy, liberal CEOs just as I know blue-collar, conservative nonprofit fundraisers. But what is most important is I know humans who need human help, sometimes due to issues and situations not of their own doing. And when help is needed, no matter the issue, I hope the liberal leanings do not sway the asking of a conservative for help no more than I hope that conservative help is not given based on some perceived liberal view. And vise versa.
Liberal versus conservative? Black versus white? Man versus woman?
How about..."we"? We need to do this. We need to help. We need to support. And we can change the world through hearts, empathy, and education. And we can do that in the nonprofit world - conservatives AND liberals.
As a matter of fact, let's just stick to WE. Perhaps keep the conservative and liberal labels out of it.
Part one of perhaps many more...