Non Surgical Hair Loss Treatments
There are many different hair treatment options for surgical and non surgical for hair loss. It is a good idea to do a consultation with a hair restoration specialist before starting any treatments to find out what are the best options for you. A hair transplant or hair loss specialist will do an evaluation to find the cause for the hair loss, the degree of hair loss and hair characteristics. Once the cause for the hair loss is established, then the best surgical or non surgical treatment options are recommended. If an individual chooses to try nonsurgical options first, there are certain medical or non medical hair treatments and products that works best. The following is a list of non surgical medical hair treatment options that may work as an option to replace or as a combination to hair transplant surgery.
PRP therapy has gained popularity as a non surgical treatment option for men and women in the initial stages of hair loss. PRP is a concentration derived from clients' own blood, It has growth factors that stimulate hair growth when injected into the scalp. Usually Doctor draws patient's own blood and run it through a machine to separate the platelets. Once the platelets are separated hair restoration doctor with numb the scalp and then the Plasma cells are injected into the thinning hair.
ACell is a protein matrix that when injected into the scalp recruits the body’s own intrinsic growth factors and healing proteins over a period of several months. It is suggested that the combination of ACell and PRP provide a continuous supply of growth factors to the native hair follicles for several months. The combined treatment of highly concentrated PRP and Acell is suggested improved hair growth over time. Repeated treatments are necessary and they are mostly effective on patients at initial phases of hair loss.
Finasteride (Propecia?) is an oral medication available by prescription only, having been introduced to the market more than a decade ago. Finasteride is approved only for use by men. Through scientific studies, it has been shown to re-grow hair in some men and stop hair loss in an even higher percentage. Finasteride works by decreasing the formation of DHT, a hormone responsible in large part for male pattern hair loss, while not reducing testosterone, the overall male hormone responsible for masculinity. Therefore, any side effects that may involve male sexual function are mild and occur in less than 2% of all patients. Its use is suggested by hair restoration surgeons as an effective medication to slow down or reverse male pattern hair loss in many men. It is often used as a complimentary treatment for hair transplant patients.
Topical Minoxidil (Rogaine?) has been around for over 15 years and is helpful in slowing down hair loss, but less effective in helping new hair to grow. A higher concentration (5% solution) of minoxidil is now available for men and has been shown to be more effective than the 2% solution. 5% minoxidil solution is generally not recommended for use by women because it may stimulate the growth of facial hair, and also because at least one study suggests that it is not more effective than the 2% in females. Both finasteride and minoxidil must be used on a continual basis in order to sustain results. If discontinued, the process of balding resumes. These medications may not work for everyone but they have a proven track record that shows some benefit to many people. In addition, combination treatment with minoxidil solution and finasteride may provide added benefit for men with androgenetic alopecia.
Other Topical Medications are available such as Tretinoin, Diazoxide, Cyotcol, Progesterone, and topical Estrogen. These medications have been used in the past for the treatment of hair loss. There is also different shampoos, conditioner and vitamins such as Zinc, Biotin, B complex E, C and Iron that may help keep the overall condition of the hair healthy.
Low Level Laser Treatment (LLLT) is available for treating hair loss. This device was originally used for tissue and wound healing which lead to observation of growth of hair surrounding the wound. It has been claimed by manufacturers that low level laser increases the quality and health of growing hair. It increases blood circulation to the hair follicles, stimulates protein synthesis, decreases inflammation and energizes the follicular cells, allowing the hair to grow thicker and fuller. LLLT comes in the form of either laser combs or oscillating hoods. To see results, it must be used up to three times a week, each time for 20 minutes for about 6-12 months. These are more effective if used in conjunction with Minoxidil or Propecia? and are considered to be safe. However, the long term effectiveness and its safety need to be further investigated before the use of the device is substantiated.
Dr Meshkin is honored to be recognized as a designated long standing member of ISHRS by his peers and also be certified diplomat by ABHRS for his knowledge and skill as a specialized hair restoration surgeon. Dr. Meshkin is also selected as one of 100 doctors in the nation to receive the prestigious RealSelf 100 Award, out of nearly 13,000 board certified specialists with a presence on RealSelf, for 2015 and 2016. To find out more about your hair loss and be evaluated for non surgcial hair loss treatment options, visit one of Dr. Meshkin's hair transplant and hair restoration clinics in Los Angeles or in Irvine locations. Dr. Meshkin will use the latest techniques and gives the best hair restoration recommendations and advise that is customized to your needs and concerns.
If you are suffering from hair loss or have questions about your hair thinning, you can contact us at (949) 219-0027 to schedule for a consultation or visit our website at .