Is the non-profit sector right for you?
Working in the non-profit sector can be both difficult and incredibly rewarding. Here is some perspective on the pluses and minuses of working in these organizations and agencies.
Pluses of Non-Profit Work
?1.????Connecting with your mission.
Many people have a thought that keeps them up at night, and for some, it even haunts them all day. What if my relative can’t afford their medicine? Why does my friend face discrimination at ?work? Why are kids in my neighborhood not meeting grade levels in math? Why does public transit struggle to stay afloat? The non-profit sector offers opportunities to be part of helping to solve the problems that you care about most. You can connect with an organization that fits your mission or, if none exists yet, build one yourself. You can go to bed happy that you contributed in your own way to improving life for others.
?2.????Work/life balance
While the top levels of organizations can often be overwhelming, there seem to be more niches where people can find a balanced life. Whether it is workplace and schedule flexibility, or a more goal-oriented approach, people with family obligations may find a great place to meet their professional and personal objectives.
?3.????A chance to do more things earlier in your career
You will be asked to dig in deep and learn the field. While in the private sector (possibly excepting consulting), you will have to wait some time before having responsibility for large-scale projects in high-impact areas. Also, the opportunity to build subject matter expertise is priceless for your career as a whole.
?4.????A chance to serve locally and influence broader change
By helping people that you care about, you and others will learn more about what works. Others can seek to replicate your vest practices and produce change where they are.
?Minuses of Non-Profit Work
1a. Mission-talk as an excuse for lower pay
You will need to stand up for yourself and ask for what you deserve. Leaders are under pressure to keep overhead as low as possible. Many can also conceive of a service-related purpose for every dollar.
?2a. Burnout risk - Obsession/Hatred Cycling
Mission-driven work inevitably comes with some highs and lows. I am not urging you to become numb, but I am asking you to stay grounded in empirical reality. Remember, unless you are the founder, the organization can probably continue without you. You can also continue without the organization. Having a healthy balance between passion and self-care will enable you to do more work – longer and happier.
?3a. High turnover, Low Stability
You will need to get used to working closely with new folks, many of whom will be gone in less than a year. It is the nature of the work. Change is the one certainty.
If I can help you better explore these careers and connect to your purpose, let’s talk. E-mail me at [email protected].
Michael Kane, Kane Mills Media