Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Yeshwanth Nagaraj
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Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is a technique used in linear algebra and data analysis to factorize non-negative matrices into two lower-rank non-negative matrices. It has gained popularity in various fields, including image processing, text mining, and bioinformatics, due to its ability to produce interpretable parts-based representations.
Basic Idea:
Given a non-negative matrix V of size m×n, NMF aims to find two non-negative matrices W (of size m×k) and H (of size k×n), where k is typically less than m or n, such that:
The matrices W and H are often referred to as the basis and coefficient matrices, respectively.
Several algorithms exist to compute the NMF of a matrix. The most common ones include:
In summary, NMF is a powerful tool for decomposing non-negative matrices into interpretable parts. Its ability to provide parts-based representations makes it particularly useful in applications where interpretability is crucial.
Python example using the NMF class from the sklearn.decomposition module to perform Non-negative Matrix Factorization on a sample dataset:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
# Sample data: 4 documents with 5 words each
V = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[5, 4, 3, 2, 1],
[4, 4, 4, 4, 4],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
# Number of topics (or components)
n_components = 2
# Initialize NMF
model = NMF(n_components=n_components, init='random', random_state=42)
# Fit the model to the data
W = model.fit_transform(V)
H = model.components_
print("Original matrix (V):")
print("\nBasis matrix (W):")
print("\nCoefficient matrix (H):")
print("\nReconstructed matrix (W x H):")
print(, H))
In this example:
You can adjust the n_components variable to change the number of topics/components. The init='random' and random_state=42 parameters ensure reproducibility.
Analogy: Baking and Recipes
Imagine you're a chef, and you have a record of the number of different dishes you've made over several days using various ingredients. Each dish is made up of different combinations of ingredients in varying amounts.
Your record is like a matrix, V, where each row represents a dish and each column represents an ingredient. The value in each cell indicates the amount of a particular ingredient used in a specific dish.
Now, you want to simplify your cooking process. Instead of thinking about individual ingredients, you decide to group them into "base mixes" or "themes". For instance, a "Mediterranean mix" might consist of olives, tomatoes, and feta, while an "Asian mix" might have soy sauce, ginger, and sesame oil.
NMF helps you find these "base mixes". The matrix W represents how much of each "mix" or "theme" is present in each dish, and the matrix H tells you what ingredients (and in what amounts) make up each "mix" or "theme".
So, in this analogy:
The goal of NMF, in this context, is to approximate your original record (V) using these "base mixes" (W) and their ingredient compositions (H). It's like simplifying your cooking process by thinking in terms of broader themes or mixes rather than individual ingredients.
Remember, just like in cooking, where multiple recipe themes can describe a dish, NMF might have multiple valid factorizations, and the choice of how many "themes" or "mixes" (i.e., the rank) can influence the result.