Non-Fungible Token (NFTs)
The best performing asset class of the last 200 years is fine art. If you were to have the choice between buying a bar of gold or a painting by Monet, you should have bought the Monet.
Collectible items carry immense value. Both, personally to the collector and the creator, and sometimes monetary value, due to the item being wanted by others.
The advent of the internet made that process more confusing, Music went from a sought-after vinyl record to a free commodity. And visual art can be reproduced infinitely. But a change is about to occur.
Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are a way to use blockchain technology to create one of something or a limited edition run of something in the digital space. I don't think this will limit people's ability to duplicate and spread ideas. But this will serve an entirely new community and purpose. It will make the digital collector's item possible.
This is the revolution of multiple industries, fine art, and digital collectible assets. And the potential this has to spark a new creative revolution is incredible.
Non-fungible tokens are a way of creating and distributing digital art that allows artists to benefit from their creations in the future. One of the tragedies of the world is that artists often create something of great value to the world at around the age of 30. Then the artwork isn't noticed for another 30 years.
That artist then dies in a ditch, poor and homeless a couple of years later. Because they have no way to benefit from the fact that their art is now loved and valued.Because they sold the rights to their work when they made it just to pay the rent on a shitty apartment. When creating artwork on the blockchain, you can set a percentage that you will receive from the resale of your item anytime someone sells it to someone else, forever.
So if your creation increases in value in the future, then you get to benefit from that when it's bought or sold. I'm not into copyright laws. I think they're broken and harmful. But this creates an actual protectable collectible item, a piece of property that is yours in a digital space, just like a Monet painting is yours if you buy the original.
I think this is important and i think in the coming years, this will become one of the most vibrant and colorful communities on the internet.