Non-disclosure agreements and criminal disclosures.

Non-Disclosure Agreements #NDA or part of #COT3 and the Victims and #Prisoners #Act 2024.? Non-disclosure agreements and criminal disclosures.

Following on from commitments to clarify the law around disclosures related to criminal acts, the government has passed the #Victims and #Prisoners #Act 2024.?

This Act will void provisions in any agreements which purport to prevent a victim (or someone who reasonably believes they are a victim) from making disclosures about criminal acts to law enforcement agencies, regulators or professional advisors/support services.?

Regulations implementing these provisions will made in due course.??In the employment context, one suspects that these provisions are largely intended to clarify that confidentiality agreements – whether as standalone #Non-Disclosure Agreements #NDA or as part of #COT3 or Settlement Agreements - cannot operate to prevent the reporting of sexual harassment/assault or to prevent victims obtaining support.

Read the other article in my newsletter on the laws that the government has pushed through a number of key employment law changes ahead of the dissolution of Parliament for the 2024 General Election.

And when they will take effect for employers.?

Look out for my law and #guidancepodcast for a discussion on the new Act.

For training for instructions please contact me clerks.


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