Non-Dairy (Cream) veg. fat emulsion Formulation by using two different stabilizers.
Preparation steps:-
1- Feed the fat blend to the fat tank and start heating up to 75 c.
2- Fill the water tank with water and start heating up to 95 c.
3- Prepare the following:- 50 L R.O water +10 kg Stab+0.4 kg lethicin+ 15 kg glucose
(83 brix) + 100 gm vanilla + 500 gm salt per one batch and heat up to 75 c.
4- Prepare 100 kg of R.O water + 65 kg sugar and heat up to 65 c.
5- Transfer 120 kg hot fat blind to the batch tank.
6- Transfer 165 kgs from sugar tank to the batch tank.
7- Transfer the hot stabilizer mixture to the batch tank.
8- Transfer 150 litters hot water to the batch tank.
9- Start agitation for 10 minutes.
10- After 10 minutes holding, transfer the contents of the batch tank to the run Pasteurization tank for pasteurization.
11- Once the product temperature reaches 75 c for 20 minutes with the agitator and circulation, start sending the product to the high pressure homogenizer.
12- The pressure should be 190 to 200 bar.
13- The Pasteurization of cream is commonly carried out at 75?°C, and then the cream is cooled, aseptically packaged, and distributed. Pasteurized cream has a shelf-life of <3 weeks at refrigeration temperature. The need for a cream with an extended shelf-life has led to the production of UHT whipping cream, which, after the optional addition of stabilizers, is heated at >144?°C for a few seconds. As a result, a shelf-life of several months can be obtained.
14- Then sending the product to the aging tank through the heat plate exchanger to cool it down.
15- Add the potassium sorbate and nisin to the tank
16- The product temperature at the aging tank should be 5 – 7 c.
17- The product should be packed immediately.
18- Transfer the sealed bags to the fridge at 0 - 2 c.
19- Incubate it for 72 hrs.
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