Non-customized Research Report on the Real Estate Industry
From 2014 to 2019, the overall sales of newly-built houses in China kept growing, and the growth rate reached the peak in 2016, with an increase of 22.46% compared with 2015. In December of 2016, President Xi proposed at the Central Economic Work Conference proposed that "houses are built to be lived in, not for speculation". Influenced by this macro policy, the growth rate of the sales of newly-built houses fell to 7.66% in 2017, and had not exceeded 10% ever since. In early 2019, the growth of the price of pre-owned houses kept declining, resulting in the increase of transactions. In the second quarter, after the central and local governments introduced related real estate policies, the price of pre-owned houses began to go down from the summit.
In 2019, the price of house in first-tier and second-tier cities showed a downward, thanks to the policy. On the contrary, the prices of pre-owned houses in third-tier and fourth-tier cities were rising due to two reasons. First, the markets are relatively small. Second, the markets are not as sensitive as those of first-tier and second-tier cities, thus lay behind in responding to the national policy.
As a typical representative of real estate agency, Beike has a sound internal operations and regulation system. In addition to that, it cooperates with the national information system and closely supervises the external brands to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of its housing information. For the sales of newly-built houses, Beike has established a three-level risk-bearing sales model to ensure successful sales. For the sales of pre-owned houses, Beike vigorously expands its exclusive houses, and promotes the compliant development of its business through online price evaluation and well-developed after-sales management system. In the future, Beike, with its focus on developing franchisee brands, is expected to witness another round of strong development.
In 2019, 5I5J had an operating revenue of 11.24 billion RMB, an increase of 5.13% year-on-year; a profit of 855 million RMB, an increase of 22.8% year on year. In terms of the sales of newly-built house, 5I5J primarily adopts a distribution model, namely distributing customers for real estate developers by taking advantage of its vast customer information. It is relatively conservative in expanding its exclusive houses, thus the transactions of exclusive houses have been in the minority. 5I5J evaluates the price of houses and checks the authenticity of its housing information based on the subjective judgment of their brokers, with no strict internal supervision system in place. It has invested 180 million RMB in digitization in the past two years. In the future, the company will invest 2% of its sales revenue in digitization transformation every year.
As a leading enterprise in the agency sales industry of newly-built house, E-House joined the pre-owned house market in 2016. It wishes to further drive its sales of newly-built houses by formulating a linkage between the two markets with the help of the pre-owned house business system. In recent years, many companies engaged in the sales of pre-owned houses have marched into the sales of newly-built house market, squeezing the profit margins of companies selling newly-built houses, among which E-House is a representative. Therefore, E-House has established Fangyou to attract franchisees and expand its information regarding houses and customers so as to boost the sales of newly-built houses.
In July of 2020, Capvision’s Finance Research Team will publish the“Non-customized Research Report on the Real Estate Industry“. The report consists of three parts. The first part provides a summary of the transaction situation of the newly-built and pre-owned houses in recent years, analyzes the impact brought to China’s real estate market by COVID-19, and forecasts the market development trend in the second half of 2020. In the second part, three case analysis will be presented, namely Beike, 5I5J and E-House. Their operations models, internal supervision mechanisms and future development strategies will be analyzed. The third part makes a comparative analysis of the operations of the three target companies and offers due investment suggestions. Based on the development trends of real estate market, the report utilizes interviews with industry experts to present an elaborate analysis of real estate agency platforms’ operations models, challenges and future strategic planning.
The report utilizes case analyses, interviews with industry experts, vast data, first-hand information, and previous project experience. The report totals 44 pages, and will be most beneficial to clients interested in understanding the status quo and future development focus of representative enterprises in the real estate transaction service industry.
◆ 报告目录 Contents
· 1. 房地产行业分析 Analysis of the real estate industry
1.1 全国商品房(一手房)销售情况 Sales of commercial housing (newly-built houses) in China
1.2 全国二手房交易情况:挂牌量 Pre-owned house transaction in China: listing volume
1.3 全国二手房交易情况:挂牌价 Pre-owned house transaction in China: listing price
1.4 疫情下的房地产市场概况 Overview of the real estate market under the impact of COVID-19 epidemic
1.5 面对疫情,国家的应对政策及2020下半年房市趋势预测 National policy responses to COVID-19 epidemic and the forecast of housing market in the second half of 2020
1.6 2019年房地产行业政策梳理 Review of policies on the real estate industry in 2019
1.7 2019年房地产行业政策梳理:地方政策 Review of policies on the real estate industry in 2019: local policies
1.8 2019年有关房地产企业融资的监管政策 Regulatory policies on the financing of real estate enterprise in 2019
· 2. 房地产服务行业案例分析 Case analysis of the real estate service industry
2.1 贝壳找房 Beike
2.1.1 贝壳找房平台简介 Introduction to Beike
2.1.2 贝壳找房与链家的关系 Relationship between Beike and Lianjia
2.1.3 贝壳找房融资历程 Beike’s financing process
2.1.4 贝壳找房的商业策略 Beike ‘s commercial strategies
2.1.5 贝壳找房的服务特点(一)--确保房源信息的真实性 Service features of Beike (1) –housing information with high authenticity
2.1.6 贝壳找房的服务特点(二)--楼盘字典&ACN网络 Service features of Beike (2) – housing dictionary & ACN network
2.1.7 贝壳找房的运营模式—新房买卖 Beike’s operations model – sales of newly-built houses
2.1.8 贝壳找房的运营模式—二手房买卖 Beike’s operations model – sales of pre-owned houses
2.1.9 贝壳找房的流量策略 Beike’s flow strategies
2.1.10 贝壳找房未来发展战略 Beike’s future development strategies
2.2 我爱我家 5I5J
2.2.1 我爱我家公司简介 Introduction to 5I5J
2.2.2 我爱我家经营情况 5I5J’s operations situation
2.2.3 我爱我家的科技布局 5I5J’s technology layout
2.2.4 我爱我家的运营模式 5I5J’s operations model
2.2.5 我爱我家对房源信息的维护及房屋估价 5I5J’ s maintenance of house information and evaluation of house prices
2.2.6 我爱我家的流量端口及未来发展战略 5I5J ‘s flow port and future development strategies
2.3 易居 E-House
2.3.1 易居企业集团简介 Introduction to E-House
2.3.2 易居企业集团的经营情况 E-House’s operations situation
2.3.3 易居的运营模式—一手房代销 E-House’s operations model –agency sales of newly-built houses
2.3.4 易居的运营模式—二手房业务 E-House’s operations model- pre-owned house business
2.3.5 房地产经纪网络服务平台—房友的发展现状及运营模式 Real estate brokerage network service platform- development status and operations model of Fangyou
2.3.6 房地产经纪网络服务平台—房友的内部监管机制 Real estate brokerage network service platform- internal supervision mechanism of Fangyou
2.3.7 易居的未来发展战略及竞争优劣势 E-House’s future development strategies and competitive strengths and weaknesses
· 3. 投资建议 Investment suggestions
3.1 三家公司经营情况对比及分析 Comparative analysis of the operations of the three companies
3.2 投资建议 Investment Suggestions