Noise is noise - you know what you must do.
Is this what the simulation looks like?

Noise is noise - you know what you must do.

23 years since we were about to be destroyed by our washing machines going haywire we seem to be at the precipice of real change, Chat GPT is eerily good and surely a sign that if we weren't aware already; things are changing fast.

Of course 23 years ago the millennium bug turned out to be total nonsense - own up if you did think the planes were falling from the sky though....and all because the internal clocks couldn't cope with the year being 2000. Weird huh.

Now we have the world's largest climate change gathering hosted in the world's biggest oil producer region, the Middle East. As a key beneficiary of the oil economy - as we all are who are based in the region - it is critical to find ways to make the changes necessary to stay in position as the world and societal demands change.

Of course it is good that ALL players in the game are coming to the party and trying to work together to mitigate the global rise in temperatures - attempting to keep it in line with the Paris agreement from a decade or so ago. 1.5C was the target then and there is still a long way to go with abatement carbon from the energy equation.

At Elevation Towers we feel there is a lot of noise in the climate, environment, and building spaces - a lot of people saying a lot of things. Some of it is horeshit, some of it is gold. How do we know the difference?

I don't know - ask Chat GPT? Perhaps not, seems that is not really reliable in the world of facts unfortunately. Now if you ask it to write you some nice viral headlines or copy ideas then it is pretty next level.

Thought - are the guys who are getting most excited about Chat GPT aware that the AI is positioning to make them irrelevant by doing what they do for a living in a fraction of a second?

Back to the horseshit question, our view - don't get pulled in by the endless debates, trust us they are endless online. Let us focus on the not too exciting world of being the best we can at our jobs, that would be a good start.

Consider the totally underwhelming world of energy efficiency, no one finds it cool - far better to bolt on some shiny tech. ON that note did you read the news about the company who invented a large device which attached to trucks to sook the CO2 from the tailpipe and store it in a large tank? (don't mention the added weight, extra fuel consumption please...:-)

Unfortunately doing the most with what we have just doesn't hit the 'whoah cool' mark. But for us it is a foundation of everything from ultra running to building efficiency.

Always in life - first use what you have in the best way you can, then see where you can do better, then go out of the box to improve further.

Analogy - working on a limited budget?

Calculate what you have, see where it is being used and make sure it makes sense then

evaluate what you need and don't need (efficiency) then

look at ways to increase the pot - added revenue streams?

For buildings we always come at it from doing the absolute best in the design stage by modelling and evaluating the building. THEN we must look at how to design systems to operate at their most efficient. Only then do we look at renewable add ons to further offset carbon.

Reduce, Optimise, Renewables - always from a solid foundation of us doing the best job we can.

So - let's stay focused and let the noise makers make noise. We (you and us) will drive the world forward. We are the real change makers and we will make a difference and impact our planet.

Let's do it - we won't stop and I know you won't either!



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