Noes from the Bridge
I was a rookie 3rd Mate on a large Tanker many years ago. We were Eastbound leaving New York Harbor heading for Gilbraltar. We used sextants and the Sun to find our position and speed. I took a sight every hour and time after time it was clear, at least to me that we had slowed down, way down. Typically we cruised at 18 knots, my calculations showed our speed at 14 knots! I checked and rechecked but still 14Knots. It was flat calm no wind, glassy. I finally got the nerve to call the Captain, he was not too happy, and I was nervous The Captain called the Engine room, but all was normal and at the proper RPMs. Next, he called the chief Mate and had him check my figures and take a sight himself. I breathed easier when the Chief agreed with me 14 knots! For the next few days, it was the same until we finally arrived at Gibraltor to pick-up a pilot (required). The pilot came to the Bridge and commented about a dead whale next to our bow. We all looked at each other and realized the whale got hung-up on our bulbous bow ( An underwater projection from the bow to help with fuel efficiently).
Entrepreneur | Philanthropically-minded | Super Host | Hippophile | Musician | Thriver | Thalassophile
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