Is Nodejs concurrent or Parallel?

Node.js is concurrent but not inherently parallel—though it can exhibit parallelism in certain contexts. Let’s break it down:

1)Concurrency means the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously without necessarily executing them at the exact same time. Node.js achieves concurrency through its event loop and non-blocking I/O.

For Eg:

setTimeout(() => console.log("Task 1"), 1000);

console.log("Task 2");

Even though Task 1 is delayed, Node.js continues executing the rest of the code.

2)Parallelism in Nodejs means performing multiple tasks at the same time, often by using multiple CPU cores.

  • Worker Threads: Node.js supports parallelism via the worker_threads module, which allows creating separate threads for heavy CPU-bound tasks. These threads run in parallel to the main thread.
  • Cluster Module: The cluster module enables the creation of child processes that share the same server port, allowing true parallel handling of incoming requests.

Additional Point:The cluster module enables Node.js to create multiple child processes, each running a copy of the main application. These processes share the same server port, allowing them to handle incoming requests in parallel.


