NOCER-INDIA,s silver Jubily Celebrations
SAMMANAM Wellness and Training Center
NOCER-India is starting this center to celebrate the SILVER JUBILY year.This center isin LOVING Memory of Fr. Mathew Vallomkunnel,Fr. Joseph Kattakayam,Fr. Joseph Kollamparambil,Justice G.L.Oza, Justice Janaki Amma,Retired Judge Aravindhaksha Menon,and John Mevada.The Center is educating in Legal ,supports to file Complaints in Consumer,Rights,Human Rights,Right to Information.It is mainly focused to Aged unwanted and needy people.We are planning to find out people for Pensions and Welfare Schemes.The center will give training in Food Products as Jack Fruits,Cashew apple it is for an additional income for the NEEDY.A library with 5000 books all can come and sit to read and conduct researches,Study etc.A YOGA ,Meditation Hall is arranged.The Aged or needy can study Computer also from here with a little contribution.Sammanam wellness and Training Center is for the people those who want to relax and enjoy.The center will not encourage,Drinking Alcohol,Cigars,Beedi ,and all types of Drugs,Plastics will not bed used and will make Cloth Bags as an income generating Programe
Those who are Hungry will be Fed during Lunch Time and nobody will be Hungry at this PLACE..