Nobody's Perfect
An essential step in becoming a grounded and mature human being is accepting that we have never been perfect. Our mistakes were learning experiences and we have grown wiser and stronger because of them. We need to practice humility and realize we can never be perfect. But despite our stumbles and weaknesses, we continue to grow. Accepting our own imperfection allows us to become more tolerant of the blind spots and weaknesses of others. Setting impossible and unrealistic goals for ourselves or others is certain not bring us frustration and unhappiness. If we intend to be happy, let's first admit that we are never going to be perfect.
We all have regrets. Our imperfect nature and ego has led us to leave jobs and friends that we may miss very much. Perhaps we missed an opportunity to help a friend or coworker when he needed us. We may have passed on good opportunities because of laziness or a negative attitude. Dwelling on past mistakes is usually fruitless. Learn the lesson and move forward. The past cannot be changed. Start responding to today's challenges with an open mind and a positive attitude. Make a promise to yourself that you will become more conscious today. Become an instrument of peace and positivity in your family, your workplace and your relationships.
This essay and thirty other essays on becoming grounded and more self-assured is from my book, Make Tomorrow Better, available on Amazon for $6.99.…/…/ref=sr_1_1…