Noble Character Leadership
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
Change and challenge require change and challenge. For us to practice effective "response ability" in the face of change and challenge externally, we must needs change and challenge ourselves internally.
That said, back on April 28, I opted to take on a reclamation project of sorts; reclaiming and exploring and making my own necessary changes. Since that time, I have posted rethinking around Stoicism, Optimism and COOLness in May. And, since then, I have been diving into:
... by the halfway point through June.
With all that offered, I remain committed to exploring those 8 Virtues of Wholiness, COOLness, KNOWledge, Adoration, UPRIGHTness, Balance, Fervor and Meekness throughout the remainder of this year... as part of my own revisit on Stoicism for these times.
So What?
So what is my point? The answer is two fold.
Aim High
This is the real SO WHAT. I bill and brand myself as a "Strength Coach, Speaker and Educator." I see this true in my teaching and my enterprise and purpose. I teach, coach, mentor, train, facilitate, entertain, sing, dance, cartoon, write, blog, vlog, box and create to advance Character, Purpose and Unity driven leadership.
That said, my just cause is Humans Together Strong and my "battle cry" is Aim High. Specifically and here, what that means is that my future of blog streaming will be wholly focused on Aim High. And, as an amateur archer, I am ever learning that hitting the target requires a higher aim.
This world will not be bettered by simply adding more tech and more "steps to success" I am reminded that "The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct." Enter Higher Character and Motive; Noble even... in technology and economics and all fields of human endeavour. Like Captain Christopher Pike, I believe in the future of Humanity, but I am indeed reminded Humanity is our highest standard and inhumanity is our lowest. Aim High indeed, and in deed.
The Top Line
The Top Line is the Bottom Line. Consider that.
Aim High, the blog series will celebrate Humans Together Strong, and this next leg will be blending my established body of work around this exploration of a kind of new age of Stoicism. It will hold Nobility as core to the kind of leadership needed in these times and forward.
Dale Carnegie once said, "Appeal to the nobler motives." It was never lost on me that this implied that we all have them. For me, Nobility is neither pie-in-the-sky nor some "blue blood" concept. It is our birthright, and it is our saving Grace. So Aim High will focus on Noble Character Leadership blending a range of bodies of work from past, present and future.
The world needs it. A better future needs it; I humbly believe, offer and contend. All the tech and policies and steps to success in the world will not change the fact that our motives matter; our Nobility matters... in leadership at all levels at home, school, work, business and community.
I remain intent on digging into these wondrous books over the coming Weeks and they will guide me through this continued exploration and advancement of Character and Purpose and Unity. That said, over these last few days, I am coming face-to-face with physical challenges (and rising to them)... and I am hearing of the passing of a dear and wonderful and noble Soul friend. I dedicate this next path forward with Aim High, to her.
And with her in mind, I encourage you to revisit, read and reflect on Nobility, and consider these questions...
Do that. Let us be our own PEACE of WORK.
Aim High and I hope you ride with me on this noble little journey.
Justice, Peace and Unity...