Nobel Peace Prize QUIZ
WOW! Jeopardy? honored several Nobel Peace Prize laureates in their recent category. TEST your knowledge of the Nobel Peace Prize, and various recipients (correct responses at the end).
LET THE QUIZ BEGIN: Following, you will see the answers in the blue image. Your job is to ask the correct question. Example: "Who is _ _ _ _?"
All five (5) correct responses are listed below, and to learn more about the Nobel Peace Prizes, or Jeopardy, please go to their sites and links here:
Correct Responses:
1) Doctors Without Borders
2) Landmines
3) The Dalai Lama
4) Tunisia
5) Dag Hammarskj?ld
NOTE: I was particularly inspired to learn about the posthumous Nobel Peace Prize awarded Dag Hammarskj?ld. According to the THIRD paragraph in his wiki-page, Mr. Hammarskj?ld is:
"the only posthumous recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize."
To me, that is a tragedy. Many, MANY hundreds of millions more citizens worldwide have heard of Mahatma Gandhi and yet he was NOT awarded a posthumous Nobel Peace Prize. As you can see in THIS PDF ONLINE (our peace organization's 2015 Appeal to the Norwegian Nobel Committee wherein we invited all Nobel Laureates to become integral in the transformation of Dr. King's birthplace into a Global Capital of Peace) we stated:
Atlanta: City of Peace highly recommends to YOU and the Norwegian Nobel Committee to make one historic exception for… “Gandhi: Man of the Millennium” (Years 1000-2000) and Founder of “India: The World’s Biggest Democracy” and Honoree of “The United Nations International Day of Nonviolence” (Oct 2; Gandhi’s Birthday). Being diligent and courageous proponents of Gandhi (along with many, MANY millions of others worldwide; like Dr. King) we want to suggest an ideal date for the Nobel Committee to announce Gandhi’s Honorary Posthumous Nobel Peace Prize: Oct 2, 2019 (150th Birthday of Mahatma Shri Gandhi Ji).
IDEAS? Do you know of an accomplished Public Relations company who could assist us in developing a global petition to convince the Norwegian Nobel Committee to make another GREAT exception? Send email ideas and strategies here:
Mahatma Gandhi is VERY worthy of being celebrated as a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, AND even Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr (the world's most often referenced Nobel Peace Prize Laureate) CONTINUES to advise and warn us to never forget Gandhi (see quote in image below)...