"Noah's Ark"
Humanity is like
A "Noah's Ark"
Humans all crammed
Unique in their
Own right of
Colour caste
Ideologies religion
or Creed
Bringing with them
Their own brand
Of thoughts, words, deeds
Bobbling along the
Sea of life
Which happens
To be full of
Violence Chaos
As well as strife
One cannot put
A price on human life
is more precious
Than silver and gold
One should treat each other
With Respect as well
Not with Racism Discrimination
"We are passengers aboard one ship,
We must not allow it to be wrecked
There will be no second "
Noah's Ark
Mikhail Gorbachev
In the words of ex president
Ronald Reagan:
"Regrettably we live at a time
When some persons do not
Value human life.
They want to pick and
Which individuals have value"
It's like going strawberry picking
The quote that takes the cake :
Human beings are numbers whole
In one essence and soul
If any one human is afflicted with pain
The name of human one cannot retain""
Sa adi Shirazi (Persian poet)