No-Fuss Smart Contract Deployment on Scroll

No-Fuss Smart Contract Deployment on Scroll

New to smart contracts? Let’s make deployment easy with Remix & MetaMask.

?? Set up Scroll on MetaMask with GetBlockio RPC?

?? Write and deploy your Solidity contract on Scroll Sepolia in 6 steps

Perfect for beginners looking to enter Web3 with minimal setup!

Step 1: Connect to Scroll via Custom RPC

For fast, private Scroll access:

1?? Sign up / log in at via email, MetaMask, or GitHub

2?? Go to Dashboard → My Endpoints → Scroll → Sepolia → JSON-RPC

3?? Generate and copy your RPC URL?

Step 2: Add Scroll Sepolia to MetaMask

Go to MetaMask > Networks > Add Network Manually and fill in:

?? Network Name: Scroll Sepolia

?? RPC URL: The URL from GetBlock?

?? Chain ID: 534351

Save and switch!

Step 3: Fund your MetaMask with Sepolia ETH

You’ll need Scroll testnet $ETH to cover contract deployment fees. Get 0.1 ETH free from GetBlock’s faucet.

This is enough to deploy multiple contracts and interact with them without running out of funds? ??

Step 4: Write Your Contract

Go to ??

1??In the File Explorer, create a new file ?? (e.g. HelloScroll.sol.)

2??Paste a Solidity code, like this Greeter contract ??

3??Go to the Compiler tab (3rd icon), select your Solidity version, and hit Compile.

Success? You should see a green checkmark! ?

Step 5: ?Deploy on Testnet

Go to Deploy & Run Transactions:

1??Set Environment to Injected Provider - MetaMask

2??Make sure Remix shows “Custom (534351) network”?

3??Before clicking Deploy, set constructor parameters (e.g. your message for the Greeter contract)?

Confirm in MetaMask and wait for deployment ??

Step 6: ?Interact with the Contract

Once the terminal shows ?, your contract is live on Scroll Sepolia!

You can verify it by visiting

Now you can interact with the contract directly in Remix via “Deployed Contracts”. Click the available buttons to call different functions in your contract?

Great job! You did it! ??

Practice on a test environment and deploy on mainnet when ready! Follow the same steps, just switch MetaMask to Scroll Mainnet. Keep exploring the limitless possibilities of Scroll ??



